~ Ch.21: Into The Red ~

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! TW: needles, kidnapping !

"Come on! We're almost there!" You called out behind you to your Dad and Wally as you got closer to the farm. You felt so much excitement. It certainly cheered you up after the meltdown you had on the porch.

You finally were face to face with the same farm fence. You opened it and walked into the farm grounds. You see the red barn and crops, growing and thriving. You smile and twirled just because of your joy.

"Do they usually have such mood swings?" Wally whispered to your father, inching closer to his head so he could hear. Magnus shrugged casually. "They get it from me. I suppose it just runs in the family." He confused Wally a bit more. "Isn't [name] adopted..?" He mumbled mostly to himself.

"What are you both standing around for? Come on! Let me give you a tour!!" You shout out, waving them over to where you were. The two walk closer to you before you hear a voice from behind you.

"[name]?" A sweet voice says, and you already remember who she is. You whirl around to see a large bird woman, with rainbow feathers falling down the side of her face in a graceful manner. "Miss Poppy!!" You beam in joy, wrapping your arms around her waist since she's very much taller than you.

"Hello, sugar!" She hugs you tightly, laughing when she hears your voice. Coming up beside her is someone extremely familiar. 

"[name]..? Walden?" You and Poppy pull back from your tight hug as you look at Julie in shock. You look back at Wally and your Dad, and Wally is completely stunned. Your Dad beside him covered his mouth with his hand dramatically. 

"Oh yes! Julie took your spot while you were gone. I hope you don't mind." Poppy always had the sweetest voice. Slightly deep at times, but always loving. You remembered so clearly that even when she was upset or angry, which she almost never was, she'd keep her lulling tone.

You walked back over to Wally and held his hand soothingly. He had comforted you earlier that day and has been since you got back. He deserves the same, if not better. Not like it would be easy to match his kindness.

"I haven't seen you both since-" Wally finished Julie's sentence for her. "-Since our divorce was finalized three years ago. You never told me you moved out here." Wally held your hand tightly, and with the amount of muscle he had, it became painful very quickly. But you didn't mind.

"That's because you dropped all contact with me." Julie growled. "So..the old house is..?" He referred to the house he, Julie, and Ophelia lived in for their entire marriage.

"Sold. Like I said I would." Julie had a very stern and almost angry expression on her face. It wasn't easy to make her mad. Her maiden name was Joyful, after all.

Wally stayed silent for a moment, as did Julie. Until she looked at you. Then, for a split second, her gaze dropped down to you and Wally's intertwined hands. She looked back at you and smiled warmly.

"It's good to see you, [name]. I wish we didn't break contact." She spoke like she didn't know you weren't allowed to contact anyone outside of the factory for the past eleven years. Not like that was her fault, of course. She still spoke with genuine happiness that she was seeing you again even though you were having an intense hand-holding session with her ex-husband.

"Same here! I've missed you." You smiled warmly, trying to match Julie's level of genuineness. "How long have you been in town?" Poppy broke the unsettling awkwardness.

"Only a couple of days. I insisted Wally stay since he's such a workaholic. Have you and Wally met?" You scratch the back of your neck. You had a feeling that even though Poppy and Wally probably hadn't met, she was certainly clued in on what kind of person he was.

"No, but I have certainly heard of you." She kept a warm and welcoming expression. The tension was still incredibly thick. So thick in fact that you had let go of Wally's hand, despite not wanting to. "I'm going to get some air." You said even though you were already outside.

You rushed to the side of the barn, pressing your back against the red wooden wall. You let in a deep inhale, trying to catch your breath.

You take a few deep breaths before the sound of your breathing is interrupted by footsteps. You looked over to your left, seeing Wally.

He stood beside your on the wall, staying silent for a moment.

"I take it you're stressed out by Julie's sudden guest appearance as well?" He tilts his head slightly to see your face. It was so funny to you. Even though he was the one who had gone through the nasty divorce and constant fighting with Julie, he was still so worried about you.

"I am. But I'm sure you're far more stunned than me." You look back at him. 

"Mm..not really. We both didn't expect to see her, so why be different levels of shock?" He pulls his head back against the barn. "Don't be frightened by it though. We can leave if you'd like." He rested a hand on your shoulder. 

"No. It's better to face the music. I'm sure I'll be spending more time here again. Besides, me and Julie are friends. I don't have anything to be mad at her about." Even though it had taken years, you finally knew that Wally and Julie's issues were in no way your business. You could very well be friends with both at the same time.

"Well then I guess I'll be heading back to Magnus. Want to come?" He asked so politely. You shook your head with a faint smile. "No thanks. I just need a second to myself." You shrugged, still pressed against the wall.

Wally nodded and walked out of your sight.

"Finally." A woman with a familiar Russian accent stabbed you in the neck with a syringe. "I thought he'd never leave~" Before you could turn around to face her, you passed out cold.


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