~ Ch. 8: Deer In The Headlights PT.1 ~

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The week was finally over, and you had a day to yourself. You had this day planned to see Markceline, Wally's previous assistant.

You made your way to the basement department with ease and looked around. It was never necessary for you to go to the basement, so this was a rare sight. It had a very high roof, with trucks coming in and out to deliver materials. There was a heavy sound of rain and sounds of the thunderstorm outside.

You proceeded and stopped at a large metal door. There was a plaque on the wall, reading the name 'Supply/Storage Manager'. You knocked on the door and silently waited for a reply. A raspy and harsh voice responded. "Come in." She had a thick Russian accent.

Walking inside, you were met with the sight of a woman in her mid-forties sitting at a messy desk, a large window behind it. She had an eyepatch on her face, and her eyes were piercing and harrowing. Her hair was messy and blood-red.

She had antlers, that were thin and black. That would be what gave her the last name "Whitetail". She wore a black tank top with a turtleneck collar, her lab coat covering her. 

"Well?" She raised an eyebrow. "Are we having a staring contest? Sit down, kid." She ordered, and you hastily sat in a chair in front of her desk. You examined the long wooden desk, at all the papers scattered on it. A deformed photo rested on several papers, making you avoid the sight of it. She also had several empty beakers and injection needles, stained with a glowing red liquid.

 "Pink told me you'd be coming. She explained your...situation." She looks you up and down. You had no idea Pinkamena told her, but that sounded reasonable. They were in the same department, and she was Pinkamena's boss.

"Yes. You're Markceline Whitetail, correct?" You inquired. She gave a slow nod. "Listen, I'll get straight to the point. If you get caught now, you're as good as dead. You know that, right?" She stands from her chair, leaning on her desk with her palms. She had black claws, like Wally.

"I know. I have no intentions to back down." Your tone was stern and severe. She let out a sigh. "And what about the test subject that will be joining you? Did you think about him at all?" She scowled. "Astaire is set for termination anyway. He'll die if we get caught, he'll die if we stay." You shut your eyes in frustration. So far, it sounded like Markceline wouldn't be any help.

"What part does Astaire play in this plan?" She sat back down, becoming more calm. "He'll be taking down Wally from his mind, checking his vulnerability levels, and making him unstabilized. He's a dream manipulator, so he'll give Dr. Darling nightmares at night to unsettle him." You explain your plan with pride. Markceline scoffs and looks out the window as lightning flashes and thunder rolls.

"You think a bad dream will keep him off your case, eh?" Her eyes narrowed and pierced their way into your gaze. She turned back around to face you, and let out a deep sigh. 

She took off her lab coat, revealing hundreds of brutal scars all over her arms and hands.

"This was the punishment I got for printing a data sheet wrong. Imagine what will happen to you and Astaire when you get caught." Your eyes went wide, and your face went pale.

"Markceline..w-what..happened..?" You gulped for air and choked back tears. She put her lab coat back on and sat back in her chair. 

[Markceline's POV; 12 years earlier]

I walked to Wally's office after picking up the most recent data results from the printer. I let myself in, startling him and his most recent girlfriend Julie. They seemed to be deep in conversation, and I had interrupted.

"We'll talk later, Jules." Wally let out a frustrated sigh, and Julie left the office. 

"The recent data results, sir." I extended my arm to him, and he swiped the papers from me. He read over them for a moment, completely silent. Until he broke the silence.

"Markceline, what is this?" He growled, not looking at me. "Like I said, sir, the data results you asked for." I sighed in frustration. What was it that upset him? The font? The format? The color? Dammit, Wally, grow up.

"These aren't up to date." He scowled at me, his eyes quickly fixing on mine. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the papers. "W-What?!" I became angrier. "Но как?! Я сделал диагностику, я сделал это правильно! Будь ты проклят, Уолли, я сделал все, что мог!!*" I growled in frustration, not caring if he understood me or not. "Wally, I assure you, I checked over it!!" I pleaded. 

He only stared into my soul with his cold, lifeless look. What Julie sees in him, I haven't a clue.

"You know what, Markceline, come with me." He grumbled and began to walk out the door. I followed him, terrified out of my mind. What was he about to do?

*translation: "I did it right! Damn you Wally, I did my best!!"


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