E.R.C ~ Ch.5: I'm Fine PT.1 ~

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You and Dr. Darling made it to the lab in complete silence. As soon as the door opened, you speed walked to where you needed to be. You walked down the long hall of subject cells, where all the test subjects resided. It scared you to think that any of these people could've been you. You made it to the cell you were needed at. You remembered this cell. It used to be yours. 'It feels so shameful to remember this cell this way.' You think to yourself. In the corner, you saw the test subject, 23B17. You opened the door, but he didn't move. He turned his head to look at you and looked relieved. "You're here to check my vitals." He seemed slightly timid, but overall contained.

You grabbed the digital thermometer from a dock on the wall, and set your file down on the cot beside you. "Sure am, hon. You must be Astaire." You kneeled in front of him and pressed the thermometer on his forehead. "No one has called me by my name during my stay here." He spoke as if he were in a hotel. 

"Don't worry, I know the struggle." You smiled, as the thermometer began to beep. His temperature was normal, and you wrote it down on a notepad in your coat pocket. You realized that it was Dr. Darling's, the one he had lent you. 

"I know. You used to be a test subject too- right?" He held up his arm for you to draw blood. You were startled for a second. Was this man psychic? It would explain why he was in your dream. You stood up and grabbed a syringe. You were startled for a moment. "Yes..that's right. How did you know?" You hooked him up to an I.V. that was kept outside the door.

"It's a skill of mine. You sure do think of it a lot, don't you?" He talked as you drew his blood. "I suppose so." You realized something. This man is special. He doesn't deserve this evil fate. Well, obviously, no one does. 

You had printed off the diagnostics that would be sent to the printer. You had taken your file and prepared to leave. But you paused at a halt. You could hear the distant screams of the victim that would be exterminated. As you opened the door, you shut it. "Is everything alright, Mx. Bizarre?" Astaire asked, looking up at you since he was still on the floor.

"Everything is fine! Mind if I stay with you for a moment?" You realized you felt too overwhelmed to leave. Usually, you were able to handle the sounds of death. Even the visuals, didn't bother you anymore. But after all the distress Dr. Darling had caused you- threatening to give you the same fate you were going to meet- you felt it would be easier to avoid it.

"Of course. I love the company." He smiled sheepishly. You sat down beside him. You could hear the blood splattering, the screams, the organs making their raw, sloppy sounds as they were grinded, and cries, the bones crushing like concrete, and then the silence. Tears formed in your eyes, and you quickly wiped them away. As soon as it was over, it was over

You stood up. "Thank you for letting me stay, doll." You said, waving goodbye. He waved back. "Visit me again soon, Mx. Bizarre." He had a smile on as well.


You walked to the printer on the seventh floor, and read the diagnostics. You noticed something strange. "Oneirology manipulation?" You muttered under your breath. That would certainly explain his knowledge about you and your dreams. "He certainly is special." You think to yourself. You put the diagnostics in his file, and make your way to the elevator. 

Someone steps inside and is about to shut the door, so you begin to dash towards it to stop the door in time. The person notices and opens the door, and you rush inside. You look up at the kind soul who let you inside the elevator, and to your surprise, it's one of the head scientists, "Dr. Frankly! How wonderful to see you!" You say, gasping for air. They* wave back to you, and you stand up straight. You hadn't seen them enough to know much about them.

"Have you been crying?" They ask. They're very observant, apparently. "What? Oh..yeah." You try to smile, but you can't seem to pull it off. They pressed the twelfth floor where they'd be getting off. "Surely you aren't upset because of Dr. Darling; right? I mean, you have been working here for eleven years. No offense." They exclaimed, looking straight ahead. "Ha! If only." You can't help but laugh.

"Whatever you say. It's alright to cry, you know." Dr. Frankly got off the elevator. "I'll talk to you later, Mx. Bizarre." They wave goodbye, and the elevator door closes. You press the button to the seventh floor and stare at the door for a moment. "I know it's okay to cry." You sigh an annoyed smile on your face.

You were annoyed at how grim your future would be if you didn't escape. You couldn't bare the thought of putting up with Dr. Darling much longer. "But then another poor assistant will be hired. They won't know how to handle him." You quivered. "DAMMIT!!" You grumbled as the door opened, and there stood Dr. Darling.

You saw him, and he stepped inside. It was just the two of you now, no witnesses this time. Considering he just saw you have a small outburst of your own, which was quite out of turn, you were sure it would get him in a bad mood. "There you are, I've been looking for you." He exclaimed. Then he looked at you, with a serious look on his face "...Are you alright, [Name]?" He paused and looked down at you for a moment. You heard a tremble in his voice. Is he upset about something? 

You look up at him, tensing your body up. "I'm fine!" You say, with a merry voice. Dr. Darling looks you up and down, unsure if you're lying or not. He grabs your wrist and pulls you out of the elevator. He walks through the hallway and to his office, and you try to keep up. "Would you slow down, Dr. Darling?!" You try to keep your voice steady. He slows down, but barely. 

The both of you make it to his office, and he sits at his desk. "Take a seat." He says as you take a seat in front of his desk. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that...I didn't expect to see you." You try to explain, clenching your lab coat tightly. "Obviously. You've never had an outburst in front of me before. So I'll ask again; are you alright?" He glared down at you, his eyes were so cold and thoughtless.

"As I said before, I'm fine. Can we move on, doll?" You try to keep yourself from bursting into a fit of rage and tell Dr. Darling everything he's done to hurt you. He glances up at you for a moment, noticing your attitude. Then noticed what you called him, and he cleared his throat. Mark one for you. "Alright then." He glosses over your anger, instead taking a mental note of it. "Let's get to work then, shall we?"


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