~ Ch. 39: Til The End ~

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! TW: ADHD dad !

It was transitioning into nighttime when you and Wally made it back, both of you were flustered from what had happened at the oak tree. When you two entered the cottage, it was empty. You raised your eyebrows, a little surprised they weren't home by now.

"Hm. That's strange." You mumbled, but you were quickly interrupted by two hands caging around your waist and picking you up. You let out a sudden yelp, taken aback by the sudden jolt. You began to chuckle. "Wally, put me down." You laughed as he carried you into your room. He sat down on the bed, leaning against the wall with you firmly in his arms.

"I'll have to decline." His voice was low. It was obvious he was still thinking about earlier, and you couldn't say you weren't doing the same. He shifted on the bed,  A grin tugging at the corner of your lips when suddenly he held you down against the mattress. There was a desperate look in his eyes. A look that begged you to touch him, to hold him how he wished to be held.

You reached around his head, stroking through his hair. "Tell me what you need." You whispered, pulling his head closer to yours. "I...I want to hold you." His voice was merely a whisper, leaving his lips quivering. A pink blush spreads across his cheeks, making him look utterly at your mercy. You loved it.

You pulled him towards you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders in a tight hug. He gulped, his head dropping between your collarbone. His breathing was hot and heavy, and his lips dragged up your neck. "I had no idea you were such a cuddle addict." You decided to tease him further, just to see how far you could take him. You'd hold him like a giant teddy bear if you had to to make up for all the loving he never got.

"I didn't either." He laughed softly. You chuckled along with him, stroking his back with your thumb. He wore his heart on his sleeve for you. It just showed you how much you truly cared for him. How much he meant to you.

But before you allowed yourselves to be completely swept away by the comforting hold, the front door opened.

 Wally sat up from his comfortable spot on your neck, seemingly disappointed that you two couldn't continue holding one another. He almost looked like a disappointed cat. "To be continued." You whispered into his ear before getting up from the bed.

You left the room, looking out of the hallway to the front door. Your parents were removing their bags and putting their keys on the table. But something seemed off. "Dad? Father? Are you two okay?" You approached them both, your eyebrows furrowed in both confusion and worry.

"Good news!" Your dad twirled around with clothing bags in his hands, completely stuffed with clothes he had made and designed. "I brought clothes for you and your thing!" He said gleefully. "My...thing?" You tilted your head as Wally suddenly appeared from over your head. "Yes, yes. That thing." Your dad pointed to Wally, waving his hand as he tried to remember his name.

You looked at one another in confusion. Your dad had a short attention span, so when he hyper-fixated he tended to forget about other things he found less important. He still knew Wally's name, of course, it just wasn't something his mind saw as a priority to remember.

Your father tumbled behind, boxes and bags covering his face. Wally rushed over to help him, picking up some of the bags and boxes. "Are you alright? How did you make it up the stairs?" He questioned, looking down at your father. "Oh, please. I find it easier to walk up the stairs with a bag in front of my face than without." He chuckled as he put everything down.

You all sat around the living room as you and Wally looked through and sorted the clothes your dad had bombarded you two with. The entire time, your dad seemed so eager to see your reactions to the clothes. He acted like a kid at Christmas.


You shut the final drawer, finally done putting everything away. Wally lay on the bed with his head stuffed in the pillows. You sat beside his head, brushing your hand across his cheek. His eyes slowly fluttered open. "I'm sorry. Were you asleep?" You pulled your hand away in hesitancy.

He smirked and shook his head. "No. I'm much more of an insomniac than we thought." He chuckled. You shuffled beside him until you were somewhat at eye level. "I'm sorry. Sleeping in my childhood bed must be quite the downgrade from what you're used to." You sighed with a content grin. He brought his hand to your face, stroking your cheek gently.

"I think anywhere you seem to go is where I'm used to." His voice became a whisper. "It's so crazy how much has happened in such little time." You started to speak, resting your head on Wally's chest. "But I see that no matter what, fate leads me back to you." You sat up, caressing his warm face.

"I guess you're stuck with me til the end, then." Wally softly kissed your brow, your body melting into his touch. He was right. No matter what, you would find your way back to Wally. Your  Wally.

"What comes after this?" Wally pulled you onto his chest. You rested your head against him as if he were a huge pillow. You had never seen him so oblivious. He had always been used to having control over everything, his entire future relying on you and a calendar. 

"I don't know, but I think we'll be okay."

[authors note]

lmao yeah btw Magnus has canon ADHD


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