~ Ch. 33: Chance to be Redeemed ~

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! TW: violence, gore, suicide attempt ! 

"Astaire, you and Harold warp these test subjects back to their homes. It's a lot easier than escorting them one by one." Frank called with a wrinkled brow as an explosion burst from outside. "Not the car!" Barnaby's eyes went wide with trauma as he held his hands on his head in shock. "Pinkamena, you and the sharing-a-brain cell lawyers go wake up [name]," Frank ordered, pointing to the three of them.

"Julie, we will go find Wally and bust his stupid ass out of his cell before he gets shredded into string cheese." Frank held onto Julie's sleeve as if for dear life. "It sure is a great way to catch up," Julie smirked mischievously. "Let's go save my ex-husband." She hurried off to the testing department as another explosion went off behind the lobby. "What the hell?!" Sally flinched, the flame and smoke blowing against them. "Get those insane twerps out of here!" Pinkamena called out to Astaire.

"I'm trying!" Astaire screamed, holding out a tear in the fabric of reality to transport the subjects to where they needed to go. "Back to the gulag with you!" He screamed. "Let's hurry before we get blown to bits." Sally began dashing down the hall. "The operation hangar is down past the basement," Pinkamena called out as she began running for the doors. 


"You aren't allowed down here." A scientist pressed their hand firmly against Julie's chest, making her furious. "Move." She narrowed her eyes and punched the scientist in the throat. That bought them some time to bash a fire extinguisher into the door lock, sizzling the system and shutting off the power. 

"I knew the passcode, you know." Frank stepped over the scientist while Julie trampled over their unconscious body. "That would've been boring." She smirked as they were faced with several more scientists and guards. Several men, women, and other people surrounded them. 

Julie balled her fists together, her joints cracking and her veins shifting. She ran into them with swinging fists, slamming two guards' heads together and stunning them enough for her to move on to the next lucky person to meet her fury. "You're telling me the entire time we've known each other you could do that?!" Frank shouted as they struggled to pound a woman into a bloody mess. 

"You forget that I'm a monster and a mother at the same time." She replied in laughter, enjoying the feeling of reconnecting with her once best friend before her divorce. Frank laughed along with her, their hands being covered in blood as they plunged their fingers into the sockets of a guard.


"Guys, is it dark in here?" Barnaby pointed out the obvious as they became shrouded in darkness. "I had no idea, Captain Obvious." Sally rolled her eyes and rubbed her forehead. 

"Which makes it easier because now..." Pinkamena used her hot pink switchblade happened to have a flashlight on the handle she kept on her to guide them through the darkness and through a locked door that easily pushed open. "...We're in the hangar." The doors revealed a huge room and a metal staircase that led them down.

In the center of the room, doctors stepped back to bring you back to life. The three ran down the stairs as quickly as they could without falling. "Are they waking up?" Sally asked, looking down at your body. You almost looked like a rag doll, stitching in awkward positions like on your patchy head and over your chest and legs.

 "Back up!" A doctor pulled down a lever, causing the three to back up in shock. "Is this [name] or Frankenstein?" Barnaby whispered to Sally. She just shrugged.

When the doctor pulled down the lever, your eyes opened wide. Your entire eye was a pool of rushing rainbows, shining so bright that everyone had to cover their eyes. You screamed, unleashing your wails as if you were in pain. And you were. 

The feeling of the shockwaves pulsing through each part of you made you crazed. The green tubes on your limbs flashed brightly. You were glowing, like an angel coming to life. You arched your back, screaming as light poured in and out of you as if by will.


Frank and Julie stepped over the bodies circling them. There was only one cell that didn't have open doors, and that was Wally's. Julie sped up her pace, walking quicker than Frank to her cell. She slammed her hands against the solid glass to get Wally's attention, but he didn't move. "Wally, what the fuck are you doing?!" She cried out and tried to bash her fist through the glass, but it was no use.

The man who looked at her wasn't Wally. It was a shell of a man, his blue hair mussed and his skin scratched and scarred. He wore his usual clothes, but he had no jacket. Ripped of his title of science and leadership. His eyes met hers, and she almost lost herself. His eyes held no life, no soul. He was already dead inside. He was off the edge. In his place was a broken soul gone off the deep end.

"I'm letting go of this factory." He pressed his knees and hands to the floor, pushing himself up to stand. He leaned his forearm against the glass, his wide build towered over Julie. "I'm going somewhere where I can't hurt anyone anymore." He smirked, his eyebrows tipping back. He then pressed a hand against a whistle, alerting the doctors.

"The whistle," Frank murmured, stunned still. The whistle was an alarm that was buzzed whenever a scientist had deemed a subject ready. Wally had seen it pushed millions of times and had killed people himself when it rang its shrill, empty calling. Wally was going to kill himself.

Julie froze, looking down for a moment to think. 'No.' She whispered in her head. She cupped her hand over her mouth, tears forming in her eyes. 'He can't.' Julie bashed her hands against the glass. "Walden, no!" She kept screaming, and Frank tried to help her break the glass.

 But it was too thick. "You can't do this to them!" Frank shouted out, slamming his fist into the glass over and over again until his knuckles were bloody.

Eventually, amid their pounding, two guards heard the bell and approached the hysterical people in front of Wally's cell. They grabbed Julie and Frank's wrists, dragging them out of the lab by their bruised arms. As they squirmed, Frank looked at the scientists, thinking he'd recognize them.

But no. These scientists weren't of Wally's employ. It didn't matter if his employees were sworn to loyalty or not, these were not Wally's workers. They were all masked in pink coverings over their heads like ghosts. "Who are you!?" Julie shouted, demanding to know. 

They didn't respond. Julie sank into their grasp and no longer knew what to do. "I'm out of ideas." She started to choke up, tears starting to roll down her cheek. Frank looked at her with his own mixture of fear. Her eyes went wide and her face drained of color. "He's going to die."


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