E.R.C ~ Ch.2: Lab Coat ~

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As you sat at your desk continuing to type, you saw Dr. Ditzy walk into your office. You saw a bandage over her bruise. "Ditzy, doll! How are you feeling?" You looked up at her, with gleaming eyes. "I feel fine, thank you. Would you like to have lunch with me in the cafeteria?" She asked, gesturing her thumb out in the direction of the elevator. "Oh, sure! I'll have to pick up Dr. Darling's order first, though. Would you mind?" You ask, scratching the back of your neck in guilt. "Not at all! I'll meet you in there when you're ready." She waved goodbye and left the office. You waved back until she was out of sight. "Speaking of lunch.." You said to yourself, getting up out of your chair and walking up to Dr. Darling's office door. 

You gently knocked on his door. "Come in." He responded quickly. You opened the door just a smidge and poked your head inside. "Your usual order?" You asked. "Yes, please." He replied, not looking at you, and continued to write. You shut the door and made both yours and his order using your pager. After you had paged the cafeteria, the lunch bell had rung. You set the pager on your desk and left to pick up the food. 


After a long trip, you made your way back to the seventh floor and let yourself into Dr. Darling's office. "A knock would've been nice." He looks up at you, startled. You couldn't talk, you had your lunch in a paper sack hanging by your teeth as you carried his coffee and meal in your hands. He noticed and rushed up to help you. He took the bag from your mouth, but as he put his hand back beside him, he knocked the coffee into your shirt. "Shit!" You hissed, trying to wipe the coffee off of you as quickly as you could.

 Dr. Darling looked up from his desk, his eyes wandering overyour coffee-stained body.  "I'm all good, don't worry. No need to worry about me." You laughed sarcastically, taking off your lab coat and shirt. Dr. Darling turned around, shocked and startled. He quickly covered his eyes. "W-What are you doing?" He snapped. You realized how it must've appeared to him. You began to laugh even more. "Oh.. Don't worry, I have on an undershirt." You chuckle, folding your dirty clothes in between your arms. He uncloaked his eyes and looked back at you. Your undershirt was a black tank top, nothing more. He coughed awkwardly. "...Thank you for the food. You're excused, [Name]." He tried to keep himself contained. 

As you turned around to leave, something hit you in the back. You quickly caught it as it fell. It was Dr. Darling's lab coat. You looked back at him, and he had on a black tank top of his own. For a second, you caught yourself staring at his bare arms. He certainly had a handsome physique. Muscular arms, swole and muscular chest. Something started to stir inside of you. Pleasure. You looked away after realizing you were staring, along with starting to like it and becoming ashamed of yourself. "What's this for?" You ask. "To borrow. Don't worry about returning it, I have a spare." He explained. 

"Oh..thank you." You felt your stomach feel peace from his facial expression. "Think nothing of it." He saw that your hands were full, so he wrapped the coat around you himself. 

For the first time, you felt his touch in a peaceful way. He wasn't grabbing you or hurting you like he did when the both of you met, he was gentle. You found yourself lost in his eyes and took the time to notice how handsome he was. He had finished and caught you staring this time. "Did you not learn any manners growing up? It's rude to stare." He rose an eyebrow in skepticism. You let out a cough out of awkwardness and fright. "Ah- Sorry, that was unprofessional of me." You stammer, clenching your body up. "Mm.." He muttered something you were unable to hear and sat back at his desk. "Enjoy your lunch, [Name]." He called out to you as you began to make your way out the door. "You too, Mr. Darling!" You smiled and waved goodbye.


You had found your way back into the cafeteria on the first floor and saw Dr. Ditzy at a nearby table. You sat down beside her, with a wide smile. Your head was flooded with Dr. Darling. His muscular arms, his gentle touch that sent you senseless, his scent of ashes and brimstone that somehow smelled good. But as soon as you found those thoughts, you shoved them away

"Mx. Bizarre..?" Dr. Ditzy slightly waved her hand in front of your face. You snapped out of your crazed state, which was just a kinder way to word your fantasies about your boss. "Huh- oh. Sorry, Dr. Ditzy." You apologized, calming yourself. Dr. Ditzy suddenly had a look that told you she wanted to say something, but she had food in her mouth. "You don't have to call me Dr. Ditzy, Mx. Bizarre. I consider us good friends, you can call me Pinkamena!" She swallowed her food and got her point across.

"Well, alright. Then you can call me [Name]! I don't like the way 'Mx. Bizarre' sounds anyways." You said with laughter. Pinkamena nodded her head in agreement, and the lunch break ended. It was time for you to get back to work. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, Pinkamena." You pushed away from the table and disposed of your food in the trash bin nearby. She waved goodbye, beginning to leave too. 

You walked back to the elevator, to which there were several people inside. Everyone greeted you, with warm expressions on their faces. "Floor seven first?" You requested. Everyone nodded their heads, and you pressed the button that would take you all to the seventh floor. 

You got out of the elevator and waved goodbye to the people getting off or staying on the elevator. Instead of walking into your office hall, you stopped by the coffee machine and made a cup of coffee for yourself and Dr. Darling. Just the thought of him made you giddy, but you caught yourself quickly. "What kind of employee thinks this way about their boss?" You asked yourself, disgusted by yourself and your intrusive thoughts. "Apparently employees that never get recognition from their boss, that's who." You came to a conclusion and walked into the office.

You opened Dr. Darling's door, to which he had fallen asleep at his desk.

He had been staying in the employee's quarters ever since his divorce. It didn't surprise you that he fell asleep since the beds aren't very comforting. You didn't wake him, you instead set the coffee beside him. An urge inside you told you to stroke his shoulder, to comfort him in any way you could, but you refused to let your heart interfere.

After all, this was the same man that destroyed your life. 

[authors note]

Early Release Crew!

If any of you are wondering; yes. I gave you a last name. Welcome Home last names are almost always adjectives (if not pet names. for Example: Eddie Dear, Wally Darling, and what not), so why not give you one too? I apologize if you don't like it <3


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