~ Ch. 27: My Baby ~

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! TW: child death, murder, blood, abandonment !

The house around her was empty. Julie just stood in the living room, unsure of what to do after Magnus and Fred had blown up at her at their cottage after her visit. She trembled where she stood, leaned against the counter.

That was before she heard a knock on her front door. She sauntered to the wooden plank door, opening it to reveal Wally. Covered in blood and smelled of death itself. "Walden? What are you doing here?" She asked frantically, pulling him into the house before anyone saw him in his gorey state. 

He couldn't talk. He just towered over her, still with fear. His eyes were puffy and wet. He had been crying. "Walden...you need to tell me what is going on." She sat down on the sofa, putting a towel over it before gesturing for Wally to sit beside her. He did, quietly. 

"Julie..." He started, his voice low yet so full of pain. "I...I know what killed her.." As soon as he said that, Julie knew who he was talking about. He would have no other reason to show up at her house. "What?" Her voice began to shake and her heart began to race.

"Markceline." He broke down, bringing his hands up to his eyes as he shouted and sobbed like a child. "She drugged Ophelia with...the purple level of the Rainbow Serum.." He spoke between cries. Julie's heart sank. She didn't need him to explain to know what had happened. Despite their distant and loveless marriage, she still knew about the Rainbow Serum. What it did. What it could do if it were all together, better yet purple.

"My baby..." Julie stood up, barely able to stand as she looked at all the photos of Ophelia she had lined on the walls. "Our...our baby..." She sat back down. Julie opened Wally's arms, and he looked down at her. She wrapped her arms around him and sobbed with him. He held her, remembering who Julie was. How Ophelia would've hated it if they hated each other. "I'm so sorry, Julie..." He sniffed as she patted his back.

"You killed Markceline, didn't you?" Julie huffed, sitting up as the blood stained her own clothes. Wally was empty as he nodded. "This..." She rested her hand on his shoulder. "This isn't your fault. You didn't mean for this to happen." Julie pushed herself to speak clearly even as she cried. "Markceline hurt [name], too." He cried even more.

"I love them, Julie. I really do." He swallowed, his voice settling even as he hurt more. "I know you do. Go to them, go make sure they live. Don't lose them." Julie gathered Wally's hands in hers. "Don't let them go, Wally."


The village was decorated with ribbons. Your father's clothing store had been closed the entire weekend. "The Bizarre's have just the worst luck, don't they?" A woman whispered to her friend. "They really do."

Fred and Magnus layed in your bed in your dark room in their dark cottage. The only light that came into the house was the sunlight, yet it was still cloudy. Magnus had finally fallen asleep, having not slept in days. Fred couldn't sleep, though. "Do you remember the day you met them, Fred?" He asked himself. He did. It was the greatest moment of his life the day he had met you.

[flashback, 31 years ago]

You were almost a year old whenever your mother had left you on a doorstep in a small community. The house was secluded on a hill, looking over the rest of the village. When your mother had disappeared into the thicket, she had knocked on the cottage door.

A short, stubby man with pale blue skin and thin black hair opened the door in his blue sleep gown. He looked down at the small baby at his feet, watching as your small body and began to play with the fluffy slippers he had on. He looked around, realizing no one was there. They left no note, not telling him who this baby was. He scooped you up, looking at the precious child in his hands. 

You looked at this man with wonder, eyes shimmering in the warm glow of the house light. He wore a long sleep cap that trailed down his head like a Santa hat and matched his light blue gown. You hit it, watching it sway while you giggled. He picked up your basket you had been left in, setting it on the table as he grabbed a wool blanket and tried to warm your cold and fragile body.

"Fred, my love?" Another man, tall and lanky with his blonde hair in rollers, stood in the doorway in an old Hollywood-style robe lined with fluffy feathers with thin, sheer fabric as the body. "Magnus, come here." He whispered to the man and gestured him over. Magnus sat beside his husband. "What is that?" Magnus asked.

"Our baby." He looked down at you. Such a precious little creature just looking up at him with trust and love. "What's their name?" Magnus scooped you out of Fred's arms, sending you into tears. He held you in his arms, humming softly to you. "There wasn't one. Someone had left them on the porch." Fred peeked outside again, hoping to see someone.

Magnus immediately accepted this new child, not asking a thing. "[name]. I like that name, don't you?" He cradled you in his arms as you fell asleep in the fluff of the robe. "After the cafe?"  Fred tilted his head, looking at you as if he were trying to match your face with the name. "Don't question it. It has a good ring to it, and I love the tea there." He explained, laughing.

"By 'tea' I have no doubt you mean Carmella and Miss Honey's gossip." By the end of the night, the two men were laughing and gossiping while they took turns holding their new baby. By midnight, everything had calmed down and everything began to sink in. "Fred..." Magnus started, caressing your thin hair. "...This is our baby." He smiled, tears of joy starting to roll down his face. "I'll never let anything happen to you, [name]."

[authors note]

As I write this, it is still 2023, but by the time it comes out it'll be 2024! I hope all of you are having a good year!


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