E.R.C ~ Ch.3: ''Sleep Well'' ~

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[that same night]

It had been a long day, and you were still hunched over your keyboard. It was getting late, and you were tired. You decided to clock out and make your way to bed. But first, you'd have to let Dr. Darling know. You got up from your desk and gathered your needed belongings. You tapped on the door in a rhythm somehow only your boss knew. "Come in." He replied to the musical knock, and you let yourself inside. 

You walked up to his desk and leaned your hips on it. He noticed and gave you a look of curiosity. He stared at your hips, your imperfectly perfect body. "I'm clocking out. Do you need anything before I go?" You asked, quieting your voice for some strange reason. He looked away from your hips, and back into your eyes.

"Huh? Oh, no. I don't." He looked ashamed for a minute. "Alright then. Goodnight, Mr. Darling." You began to walk away but suddenly paused. "Oh wait! Do you want your coat back?" It almost hurt to speak those words. You almost wanted to keep the coat all to yourself, like a treasure that belonged to you and you alone. You had spun around, beginning to let the coat drop below your shoulders. Once again, he stared. And you swore by it that you saw him blush.

He stared at you again for a split second and snapped back to attention. "No, like I said, keep it. The air isn't working properly in the staff's quarters, so to keep the color's fumes from harming anyone, we're airing it out with cold air. You'll need to bundle up." He says, not taking no for a proper answer. "Alright. Thank you, then." You wave goodbye, and like always, he doesn't do the same.

You left the office and used the stairwell to get to the staff section. You were tired beyond your imagination. The day had been long, but you enjoyed it. For the first time, you fully enjoyed how your day had gone. Usually, you despised each waking hour.

Despite how it looked on the surface, a part of you hated your job. The part you hated was your freedom being nonexistent. You had to ask permission for every little thing. When to eat, when to sleep, how to act. You didn't want to spend the rest of your life serving someone.

You leave the intrusive thoughts in your head and stop thinking. You were almost to your room, you could almost feel the needy comfort of sleep being held on your chest. You see the long hallway, with multiple doors that labeled who they belonged to.

You finally saw the door with your name on it. "Finally." You had a wide, sleazy smile on your face. You opened the door and didn't even bother turning on the light. You walked into the room, the moon lighting up all the tally marks on your open closet door. There were so many tally marks, that they had spread all the wall across the room. Your walls were etched with eleven years worth of tally marks.

You took off Dr. Darling's coat, not wanting to wrinkle it, and set it on your desk. You walked past your clothing rack, not wanting to change, and collapsed on top of your bed. As uncomfortable as it was, it was still cozy to you.

Dr. Darling was right, the room was cold. You tried wrapping yourself in your thin hospital-like bedsheets, but it didn't work. You tried to fight it, but you ultimately decided to get up and find warm clothes. For a second, you were about to put on one of the coats that belonged to you. But since you had already worn Dr. Darlings and it was now warm because both you and him have worn it today, you took it. You stared at it for a second and felt curious. "He's never done anything kind for me. Why is he starting now?" You questioned yourself.

You quickly shut out your thoughts once again. "Stupid thoughts. It's not like I have a crush on him, he's my boss." A small scoff came from your mouth. You bundled yourself in his coat, with his scent beginning to stain you. You get back into your bed and fall asleep within minutes. "The asshole doesn't even know what love is.." You mumbled silently in your sleep.

[Dream sequence]

You wake up in a familiar room, in the corner coiled in a ball.

It's the laboratory. The place where you were first brought to eleven years ago. But unlike the state you were in when you were brought, which was beaten up, bloody, and unable to move, you were standing. Instead of the beat-up subject being you, it was a young man.

He sat in the corner, his eyes were wide and he was terrified. 

"Hello?" You waved your hand in front of him, but you didn't expect him to see you. It appeared he had taken your place as if you were never brought to the factory. His long hair was navy blue, and his skin was a pale green. He looked vaguely familiar. But no, he looked at you. He grabbed your coat and ripped it as he tugged. "You're not free." His voice was how you imagined a ghost to sound.


You woke up from the nightmare in a cold sweat drenching your face. Your mouth felt dry. You quickly looked down at Dr. Darling's coat, seeing if it had actually ripped. You didn't know why you had checked, you knew that it didn't actually rip. But for some reason, the dream felt real.

Too real.

[authors note]

Dreams are so goofy y'all.


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