~ Ch.11: Do You Remember? ~

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[2 weeks later, 2 days from your escape]

So far, everything had been surprisingly smooth. You were all ready to escape, and the toughest part seemed to be not so tough. The toughest part was keeping Wally oblivious, and so far, he didn't seem to know a thing. Just as cold as ever.

"[name]." He approached you at the water cooler during your lunch break. "Dr. Darling. Didn't expect to see you finished with your food so quickly." You smiled like nothing was wrong. "Yes, I need your help with something." He placed his hand on your lower waist and shoved you in front of him. "Follow me, [insert nickname]." He said, walking. You shrugged and followed. Until something strange came to your mind.

Did he just use a nickname on you? He never did that. 

Nonetheless, you followed him until he opened a metal door and let the both of you in. Inside were binders of test subjects. "I need help finding yours." He said, beginning to look around. It caught you off guard for a moment. "Mine? And why is that?" You asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

He doesn't look at you, in fact, he hides his face. "You have a doctor's appointment coming up. Didn't you check? You know, don't you?" He asked, looking at you in confusion. You had so many questions. Why did he play a part in your doctor's appointment? Why did he need your file, and not you? You had a feeling it wasn't for your doctor's appointment.

Nevertheless, you started looking for your old file. It had been years since you had seen that file, in fact, you haven't touched it since you shelved it years ago.


You kept looking, and finally, after looking through hundreds of outdated files, you found your binder.

"I found it, doc." You held the dusty binder in your arms and blew air on it to clear the dust. You open it up and see an old photo of you. You were barely twenty years old. Your hair was longer, but very messy and rugged. Your face was beaten and bloody, and your expression was the farthest point from happiness. You remembered it like yesterday.

"Hey doc, c'mere." You call out for Dr. Darling. He comes up to you from behind, and his head is right beside yours. He's so close that his hair brushes against your cheek, and for a moment, you feel the warmth. "Do you remember this?" You showed him your beat and bloody state. He looks at it with worry and concern. "I wish I didn't," he whispered too quietly for you to hear.

[flashback, 11 years ago, Wally's POV]

"Sir," I looked up at the guard that just walked into my room. "..We..have a situation." He exhaled sharply. I took off my glasses and looked up at him. "Well? What is it?" I stood from my desk and approached him. "The 'Eloise' subject." I hated that nickname the lab scientists used on them. It was cruel, even though being here in the first place was just as retched. "subject 3LO1S34." I corrected him. "T-They're coming into your office. Our guards are trying to stop them, but they're walking down here right now.

I was very impressed. They sounded strong if she could get past the security cameras, get through the guards as we speak, and made it all the way up here so quickly even though they have no clue where they are. "Alright," I sighed and sat back at my desk. "Let them in, then." I put my reading glasses back on. The guard had a shocked expression on his face but opened the door nonetheless.

I heard a fit of screaming and fighting. "Let me go!!" I looked up 3LO1S34. The guards and scientists all held their bloody limbs and threw them onto the ground. "Thanks, jerks." Their voice was so raspy and exhausted. 'Such a wild card.' I thought to myself, looking them up and down, studying them.

"You," They snarled, crawling towards my desk shakily. "I refuse to let you kill me." They snapped. Their eyes were piercing. I could feel them entrancing the darkest part of my soul. This person had to be a superhuman of some sort. No one could have such an effect.

"Is that so?" I hummed, groaning in exhaustion. They already took in my energy, soaking it up like a psychopomp. "I'll do whatever you want if you let me live." Their voice was toned down slightly. I could tell they were serious about living. I had never seen a being so determined to survive, it empowered me. "And why should I let you, hm?" I raised an eyebrow, honestly interested in what they had to offer. This person. They seemed to have an energy that was left unmatchable. At their lowest point, they're still scratching at the walls to live.

They continued to list their attributes, but I knew everything from what I already had observed. I only focused on their body language..how confident they looked. Even though their body is beaten and they are wearing nothing but a thin hospital gown, they seem so confident. The thought of them made me dizzy, and I rubbed my forehead to escape the pain. I had already decided. I wanted this person by my side at all times.

And me by theirs.

"Alright. I'll give you two options." I stood from my desk and crouched down in front of them. I held their head up to my eye view by their chin. Despite how rugged they were right now, their skin was soft and flush. A feeling I'll never forget. "Either be turned into nothing but a hue-" I listed the first option. "Or stay by my side at all times, and never worry about such a terrible death again." But there was more to that part. "Unless you fail me."


And now you were on the verge of meeting that horrific death you escaped if you got caught. You were so close to leaving that you could taste it. But you were going to fail him. You were running away from the life you lived for over a decade. It almost hurt to leave, to leave Wally after everything you two have been through together. 

"[name]?" Wally rested his hand on your shoulder, and you released your gaze from the photo of you. "Why did you spare me?" You suddenly blurted out, being dead serious.

For a moment, Wally seemed to be taken aback. "..what do you mean?" He blinked several times, trying to put what you said together. "Why did you save me? You have no mercy on the test subjects. I've come to know that." You stared into his empty soul. 

He paused for a minute, looking at the ground. He tilted his head away and looked at the ground. "I knew you were special. You were different. You were so hungry for life, so full of determination I only wish I could have." He strained his voice.

"The only time I've ever seen any other person like that was with Ophelia." You were taken aback for a moment, a twist in your stomach. "You influenced her so much." He grinned, an unnatural occurrence.

You tilted your eyebrows and tried not to cry. Now you know why it felt so difficult to leave. You knew a part of your life was here. A part of Ophelia. A part you'd be leaving behind. Ophelia left her father to you, she knew you would be able to save him. To give him a better sight of life.

'I'm sorry, Ophelia.' You thought to yourself. 'I'll be failing you too.'

[authors note]

went on c.ai a few times while making this. Mk bye.


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