~ Ch.18: 'Mx. Darling' ~

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"W-What..?" You froze. Your mind could barely process what he just said. "Well, technically, I'm firing you. You won't be coming back to the factory with me." He kept staring into the horizon, unbothered. How was this happening? He would never fire someone and let them live...is he going to kill you as well?

"...Are you going to kill me? That was in the contract. If I get fired, I get killed so I can't tell anyone about the factory." You repeat the contract to him, and he nods. He knows what the agreement means. 

"No, no murder. You were always too big of a person for the factory. I was stupid to think I could trap you forever. You deserve better, this is the least I could do." He explains his reason.

You stay silent, your eyes moving from place to place. 'What if I'm not ready to let go?' You wondered. "Thank you, doll." You smiled, narrowing your eyes.


It was dark, and the festival was over. You and Wally had gone back to the festival grounds to help pack it all up. 

You rushed over to Flin, who was picking up a heavy crate. You left Wally behind to help them.

"Here, Flin! Let me help!" You grabbed the crate from Flin with ease, carrying it over to the pickup truck that had dozens of other containers.

"Thank you, [name]!!" They showed you their gratitude, taking another crate. "But you don't have to help. I know you just got home, and I'm sure your parents want to spend time with you!!"

Suddenly, Flin lowered their head close to your face and whispered in your ear.

"And I'm sure you'd like some time with your 'friend'~" They chuckled softly, which intimidated you. You became flustered and chuckled nervously. "I think I'll just go now-" You scurry away from Flin and back towards Wally.

"..Are you alright?" He asked, looking down at your flushed face. "Yeah, doll. I'm great!" You shove Wally towards the road that led to your cottage.

Once on the trail, you start thinking more about Wally letting you go.

You worked with him for years...how was he letting you go now? Perhaps he sees that you worked so hard for your freedom, and now he's offering it to you. But that didn't seem probable to you. The Wally you knew was cold and strict, the Wally you had seen with you however was gentle and genuine.

Why was he changing so suddenly?

"[name]? We're here." You snapped out of your thoughts and realized he was right. "Oh- right. Sorry." You smiled sheepishly. "Don't apologize. Are you alright?" He tilted his head closer to yours and placed his hand on the side of your face. His hair brushed against your chest, and you breathed in deeply. You parted your lips like you were about to say something, but you couldn't speak. Not when he was so close like this. His chest was barely against yours, and you pressed a hand against him. Not to hold him back, but instead to feel him. To touch him.

His chest was solid and muscular, making you melt inside. You could feel his heartbeat race against your palm, as if it could escape his chest at any moment. 'I want you.' You wanted to hear yourself say. 'I want you right now.'

RF Wally Darling x Reader || "Inside the Factory"Where stories live. Discover now