~ Ch.17: Oak Tree ~

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The festival was honestly the most fun you had in a while. It felt good to be with your friends and catch up on lost time. The sky began getting dark, and the sun was growing dimmer as it set below the valley.

Flin, the person that told your dads you were home, approached you. They were heavy set and had short curly hair, and were super approachable and friendly from what you remembered. 

"[insert another embarrassing nickname]!! Get over here!!" They squealed, holding out their arms to hug them. You heard Wally scoff when he heard your nickname. "Not only does your village breed twinks, but apparently they breed the most hilarious nicknames ever!!" He choked in laughter. You jabbed him in the gut, which didn't silence his laughing.

"Y-You should've put that on your business card!" He snickered. "Ignore him." You smiled sarcastically when Flin approached you both. They held you in a tight hug, twirling you around.

"It's been SO long! What happened to your hair? Did you lose weight? Your thighs are on fire! Have you been eating properly?!" They spilled a sudden barrage of questions. You sigh, looking up at them. "I missed you too, Flin." You grinned brightly.

Then, Flin's eyes rested on Wally. After seeing the display you had gotten from them, Wally was nervous. 

"And you must be their ~boyfriend~," They said with a sing-song voice. You and Wally started choking on the cider you were sharing when you heard that.

After the two of you stopped choking out, you stammered and slurred your words together in unison trying to tell Flin you two were just friends.

Flin didn't look fooled. "So..you're sharing a cup of cider...but you aren't together..? Okay." They rolled their eyes with sarcasm. They walked away and you let out a sigh of relief. "Phew..I'm beginning to remember how much of a pry Flin can be." You laughed.

You looked back up at Wally, he looked down at you with a sweet and warm smile.

You chuckled, seeing how starstruck his expression was. "What? Do I have something on my face??" You chuckled, looking up at him.

"No..you just look amazing." He kept his same smile. You felt your face heat up when he said this.

"Thank you. You don't look half bad yourself." You nudged at his arm. You looked over at the horizon, seeing the sunset from in between the festival kiosks and string lights. "Hey! C'mon! I know a good spot where we can watch the sunset. The view there is to die for." You grabbed Wally's sleeve and pulled him through the crowd.


You brought him to a beautiful hill, with a huge oak tree with a ladder leaning against it. "It's still here!!" You cheered. When you were a kid, this was where you would go. Even though you loved your neighborhood, you had to get away sometimes. This was that place where you could always go.

You climbed up the ladder and grabbed onto a branch. You pulled yourself up enough to where you were at the top of the tree, looking down at the sunset.

"What are you waiting for? Get up here!!" You smiled down at Wally. "I-I've never climbed a tree!" He shouted up at you. You scoffed playfully, climbing down a few branches. You looped your knees onto the branch and turned yourself upside down to see Wally better.

"Grab my hand." You smirked, closing your eyes slightly. You held out your hands to him, and he took them. You pushed up from the branch and pulled him onto it with you. "There! Now climb!" You climbed back up to the top, looking down at his struggle. 

After a barrage of grunts and splinters, Wally sat beside you on top of the tree. "I don't even want to try to count all the splinters I have." He joked, looking down at his coarse hands. You laughed along with him, but your laughter died down when you saw the view of the village and the sunset.

"I missed this." You sighed with a smile. Wally looked at the horizon with a grin. "I'm sorry I kept you from it." He whispered, resting his hand on top of yours. You looked at him, seeing his grin fade. He had so much pain in his eyes.

"[name]," He began. "You're officially released from your role as my personal assistant."

[authors note]

Hey guys, my friend's cat died yesterday. Can we please start a "RIP Baby Girl" chain? Thank you <3


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