~ Ch. 35: Inside The Factory ~ (Ft. Original Art!)

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! TW: violence, gore, attempted murder !

A sudden memory came rushing to your head as you looked up at her. Your fall. The fall you took into the grinder.

That...wasn't an accident, was it?

"You pushed me."

"We wanted freedom!" Pinkamena shouted, dangling her pink switchblade in front of you. "That's what we did!" You shrieked, holding Pinkamena's wrists as she tried to stab you. "No, [name]. You got out." She held a gaze on you that made guilt rush inside of you like a thunderous river. "But you didn't stick around to end the factory once and for all." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"So after hearing your plan," She kicked you with her knee, causing you to fall back against the railing. You immediately pushed back off, rushing towards her. But she tackled you to the ground, holding your head down with her hand. "Me and Markceline decided to do it better!" She shouted, hurling the knife at you. You moved your head quickly enough for her to miss.

"This isn't better!" You screamed, clutching her throat in your grasp. Her breathing hitched and she only got angrier. "You just let loose thousands of unstable beings, destroyed the factory, and got in my way!" You tightened your grip, to which your metal arm gave you the strength to do so, but Pinkamena only glared at you. "You know who you remind me of right now?" She denoted.

"Dr. Walden Darling." She furrowed her eyebrows. You couldn't think of a response. She just sat over you, hovering over your hips and glaring. "You know you're only alive because you're his precious little slutbag." She shrugged. "But where does that leave the rest of us?"

You still couldn't reply. You only pushed her off of you, leaving her on the ground. She sat up but didn't move towards you. You stood before her, looking down at her as she gripped her knife and pulled it from the floor. "He would've killed the rest of us and you know it." She sniffed. She stood up and inched towards you, her face inches from yours.

There was a short moment of silence before she spoke again. "Why did you leave us all behind, [name]? I truly thought that you were better than Wally." Tears curled around her eyelid, making her blue eyes glossy and hazed. "I was just as scared and hurt as you!" You held her firmly by the shoulders. 

"I didn't know how to get everyone out! I didn't know how to do it all without Wally skinning all of us!" You sobbed, your eyes wide and shining. Your metal eye was shining its green and red hue, reflecting from Pinkamena's iris. "Hon..." Your breathing was shaky and rugged

"What truly scares me..." You swallowed your tears, softening your grip on Pinkamena. She looked at you, so many thoughts in her mind. "Was that everyone would be killed just like how I would've been." You tensed your shoulders, glancing at Wally.

Pinkamena just looked at you for a minute. But then, to your shock, she hugged you. She held you tightly, eyes buried into your shoulder. She wrapped her arms around your back. That's when you felt a shocking sensation of pain in your shoulder blade. "Well, I guess...you'll never know." She sniffed, stepping away from the hug. You saw blood on her hands and her knife. She stabbed you.

You took a step back, but that step made you slip over the edge of the grinder. Your broken arm shot pain through you as you tried desperately to hold on, but the pain only caused you to slip more. "Pinkamena, no!" You cried out, trying to hold onto the edge. You looked over at Wally, and he looked more terrified than anything. Out of all the experiences in his life, this is what terrified him the most. Because now, just like Ophelia, he couldn't save you.

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