~ Ch.20: Rotting Inside ~

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You woke up early like you were used to. Although you were tired, you still got out of bed. You looked down at Wally as you stood up. He slept comfortably, clutching the sheets. He looked so peaceful, so you decided not to wake him. You grabbed some clothes, a simple cutoff shirt, and mom jeans.

Since Wally was in such a deep sleep, you decided to save time and change in the room. 

You started taking off your pajamas, letting your sleep pants drop from your waist to the floor. You stepped out from the legs of the pants so you wouldn't trip, starting to take off your shirt.

"[name]?" You turned around quickly, pressing your crumpled shirt in your hands to your chest to cover yourself as you turned around to see Wally staring at you.

You tripped on your sleep pants trying to put them back on. "W-Walden! Hi!" You spoke in a nervous tone. 

His eyes quickly darted away from your nearly exposed body, covering his eyes as well.

"I am so sorry! I thought you were dead asleep!!" You grabbed what you thought was your blanket and pulled it over to you to cover your body. Instead, you grabbed your curtains. Yanking them off the rack, the curtain rod fell on top of you. You were now tangled in the curtains.

"Perfect." You grumble, giving into the curtains.

You hear Wally snickering before it grows into a loud chuckle. "Y-You're ridiculous." He hums over his laughter. You smile in sarcasm, drooping your head. "Yeah, yeah. Can you help me now?" You scoff playfully as he kneels to help you.

He takes the curtain, pulling it off your head and down your body. You covered his eyes with the palm of your hand so he wouldn't see your body. "[name]...you're wearing an undershirt and underwear. My eyes aren't burning." He scoffs with a grin.

"I know, but I don't want to humiliate myself more than I already have!" You explain, standing up with your hands still cupped over his eyes.

Wally grabbed your hands, moving them down his face. You could feel your hands caressing his rough skin, and it made your heart beat rapidly.

He moves your hands back towards your body, letting them go. As he moved his hands away, he caressed your fingers lovingly.

Neither of you said anything. You didn't have to. You just cherished the moment you were holding together.

He cleared his throat, looking away from you. "I don't mind seeing you like this. I'd never hold it against you." He whispers. "Why are you whispering?" You whispered back, smiling. He scoffed, smiling with you. "I don't know." You both chuckled.


You both were finally dressed, sitting at the dining table sipping coffee. "Would you all like to come with me to visit the farm? I've been waiting to visit it again. I want to make sure it hasn't crumbled to the ground without me." You joke.

"Oh yes! Sadly though, your father has work today. He won't make it." Your dad explained. That made sense since you hadn't seen your father this morning. You haven't seen him since the day you arrived.

It upset you knowing that you haven't seen your father in a decade yet he still chooses to ignore you. It broke your heart. 

"Oh...well, then we can go ourselves." You put on a disappointed smile. Your dad sees this and frowns. "Please don't be upset, hon. He really would like to be here with yo-" "I think we should head out now. Get a head start on the path." You suddenly stand up, cutting your Dad off.

His eyebrows arch down, and his expression slightly hurt. "I..I think I'll just go alone, actually." You turn around and walk out of the house. You feel a rush of sadness cave into you.

You grunt in frustration, feeling sick to your stomach.

All these years you were imagining this to be some of the most amazing days of your life. Instead, you feel shut out and alone. It made you question if life really had any meaning anymore. Was it really worth losing your job and almost your life over fighting for it?

Even though your father was a man of little words, he was the one you became closest to after you had lost your mother. You were barely three. His chubby body reminded you of your mother's at first, but over time, it didn't matter as much.

You started to feel bad for dragging Wally along with you since everyone had been so nosy about you and him. It didn't bother you since you had lived here for so long, you never thought of how it made him feel.

"I'm an idiot." You laugh and cry at the same time. "Why did I think I could ever do this..?" Your thoughts began hurting you. Not in a physical way, though. In a way that gnawed in your brain and made you feel like you were rotting from the inside. A feeling that you were once familiar with, and what you had to save yourself was the thought of being home.

And now you were. And there was nothing to save you from this feeling anymore.

Until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, and a head lean on yours. 

"Don't cry, sweetness," Wally whispered, caressing your waist with his thumb. "You're wonderful." His words suddenly took the rotting feeling away, like he was a lighthouse in a stormy sea.

Tears still continued to flow down your eyes as you let all of your tears run out of your eyes. You sobbed and whimpered as you leaned back into Wally's chest. "I-I don't have anything to live for anymore if this is all I have.." You hiccuped between sobs.

Wally turned you around to his gaze and held your face. "You have so much more purpose than you realize, [name]. You mean so much to me and so many others." He consoles you, stroking your hair.

"M-My father.." You cry more, barely able to choke up your words.

"Your father is a fool if he thinks you're unworthy. I can't imagine why he'd ever act in such a way to such an amazing being." He spoke so calmly and gently. You had no idea such a cold man could be so truly warm.

You and Wally stood on the porch, you hugged him tightly with your head buried into his chest as you calmed down.


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