First meet 💜

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Lucas (Edward's cousin) : Bro.. She seems so innocent... She even lost her mother at such a young age... Don't be harsh on her... She is still a kid...

Edward : *Thinking*

Maids : Mrs.Grey is here... *Bowed to him*

Edward : Where is she ??? *Cold tone*

Maids : In your room according to Old master's instruction sir...

Edward : *Got up and Stromed towards his room*

Lucas : Bro remember my words...

Edward : I know ... *Left*

Edward entered into his room to see the well decorated bed and the candles on table... The moment he opened the door a little figure ran to the bed and sat on it with the heavy wedding dress and a sound of glass breaking echoed in the room... He frowned his Eyebrows and switched on the light to see his little wife covering her face with the veil hurriedly...

Edward : *Walked towards her*

Sophia : *Tensed*

Edward : *Uncovered her veil* You... *Looked at her face and mesmerized*

Sophia : *Looked at him*

Edward : *Lost in her eyes* (I feel so familiar...)

Sophia : Brother in law...

Edward : *Frowned his Eyebrows* I'm not your brother in law... *Looked at her lips which were slightly parted*

Sophia : *Looking at his moving adam's apple*

Edward : What were you doing before ???

Sophia : I...I was hungry and thirsty....So I drank some water... *Guilty tone* I'm sorry... I broke the glass... Please don't punish me... *Closed her eyes tightly*

Edward : *Amused by her reaction* I'll not hurt you...

Sophia : Brother in law please don't think bad about my sister...She just went on friends trip...She will be back soon...

Edward : *Frowned his Eyebrows* Friends trip ???

Sophia : *Nodding her head* Yes... She is a very nice girl... She was just scared of wedding so... I came here in place of her... Don't worry I'll leave once she comes... *Smiled cutely*

Edward : *Anger rised but controlling himself* What do you mean by you will go away once she comes ??? What do you think this is ??? A child game ??? You are my wife now and you are not going anywhere...

Sophia : *Frowned her Eyebrows* What ??? No brother in law you didn't understand the point here...Madam...I mean Mom told me that sister is scared so she went on a trip like when I'm scared I'll walk in the garden... Sissi will come back soon...I can't stay here...

Edward  : *Clenched his fist* Sophia... Why don't you understand...

Sophia : *Cutted his sentence in middle* Why don't you understand Brother in law...

His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now