End up here !

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Sophia : Did you open your gift ???

Edward  : Yes...No...

Sophia : *Frowned her Eyebrows* What ???

Edward : I'm sleepy... *Forgot about the gift behind him and got up*

Sophia : *Picked up the box* Condoms ???

Edward : *Widened his eyes* I...you... this... *Composed himself* That's nothing... *Took the box from her*

Sophia : The boy and the girl on that box kissing...Wait... Condoms... *Thinking* Oh yeah !!!! I saw that in an advertisement yesterday... It looks like a chewing gum... The hero in that advertisement was chewing the chewing gum... I think he took that out from this box...

Edward : *Flustered* Ahem... Sophia...

Sophia : What ???

Edward  : You wanna go to amusement park with me ??? *Changing the topic*

Sophia : *Excited* When ???

Edward : How about tomorrow ???

Sophia : Great !!! *Grinning*

Edward : Thank god she forgot about this... *Muttered to himself*

Sophia : *Grabbed the box from him and opened it*

She was so fast which made Edward completely confused... He was just looking at Sophia all shocked whereas she opened a packet with her teeth... Edward gulped visibly after looking at her... His eyes had a glimpse of helpless...

Edward : (She looks so.... sexy...doing that...Oh...my...goodness... F**k) Sophia... Ahem...It's not edible... That... is not a chewing gum...

Sophia : Hey...It's a ballon... *Blowing air into it*

Edward  : *Wanted to cry but had no tears* (I have to do something... Really quick... TF I END UP HERE !!!! Alina...I'll kill you... )

"Alina : Achoo... I think someone is thinking about me..."

Edward : *Gulped* Sophia... Stop doing that... They are used... *Hesitating*

Sophia : For birthday parties ??? I think these are used instead of balloons...

Edward : These are used to prevent...Babies...

Sophia : Huh ???

Edward : *Sighed* You are making this difficult for me... Ahem...Google it Sophia...no problem... (She better know about it herself...)

Sophia : Ok google... Explain about Condoms...

Google : Condoms are barrier method of contraception...It is used to prevent pregnancy and STDs...

Sophia : Pregnancy ???

Edward : *Sighed* Yeah...

Sophia : *Kept it away silently*

Edward : *Came and sat beside her* What happened ???

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