New ship 💕

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Lucifer : *Came out of the restroom after taking a soothing bath* Tsk...How fragile she is... *Smirked and carried her into the restroom* She looks so sexy with my marks on her body... *Started cleaning her body*

Sarah : Mmmhhh... *Whimpered in pain*

Lucifer : *Chuckled* Cutie pie...

Sarah : *Opened her eyes slowly and was scared after looking herself in the water tub*

Lucifer : *Whispered in her ear* Had a nice sleep after fainting in the middle my dear wife ???

Sarah : *Flinched and started Shivering* I...I'm sorry hu...hubby...

Lucifer  : Tsk...Sorry doesn't work here... *Pulled her close to himself* I want a practical apology...

Sarah : *Confused*

Lucifer : *Kissed her lips hard while caressing her whole body with his filthy hands*

Sarah : *Feeling uncomfortable*

When water touched the marks made by him on her body, she flinched in extreme pain but the little did he care about her pain...He kept on touching her body... The only thought that was roaming in her mind is... "Do I really deserve this pain ??? I never harmed a single soul in my entire life then why am I suffering so much ???Did I commit any sin in my last life which I'm paying back now ???"

He touched her inappropriately for sometime and cleaned her body while controlling his inner beast... After sometime he made her sleep on bed and slept beside her while hugging her tightly to his chest...

Sarah : (God...Just keep my family safe...I want nothing else... For me...THERE IS NO WAY OUT !!!! I'm not asking you more...Just keep them safe god please...) *Closed her eyes after making sure that he slept*

Next morning...

On the otherside...

Sophia : Edward...WAKE UP !!!! YOU'LL BE LATE...

Edward : I think you forgot that I'm the boss...I can go anytime I want...

Sophia : *Sighed* You became so lazy now a days... Alina was right...

Edward : About what ??? *Opened his magnetic eyes and looked at her...It felt like he was looking through her soul*

Sophia : *Gulped and blushed* Nothing...I..I have to go...

Edward : *Pulled her back to the bed* Baby girl...Don't make me repeat... *Husky tone*

Sophia : *Felt butterflies in her stomach* Ed...

Edward : Call me hubby baby...

Sophia : Hu...Hubby... *Blushed*

Edward : (My girl is becoming somewhat matured and bold day by day...) *Caressing her hair* So... What did that Alina tell you ???

Sophia : She said that you are a poker face man... And she also said that you pretend to be busy but in fact you are lazy...

Edward : Wow... (Alina...when you come here...Book a nice place for your grave in advance...I wanna bury you alive right now...) Don't listen to her bullshit ok ??? In fact she is the laziest one in the whole world...

His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now