Mr.Poker face

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Edward : *Felt something soft is moving on him* Huh ??? *Looked down and Jolt awake*

Sophia : *Sleeping on him with a pout*

Edward : *Looking at her pout*

Sophia : *Moved again and adjusted her position*

Edward : *Gulped* Sophia... Sophia...

Sophia : Ethan... Don't disturb me...

Edward : *Eyes darkened* Ethan ??? Sophia... *Shooking her* Sophia...

Sophia : *Woke up but in a daze* Hm...

Edward : Who is this Ethan ???

Sophia : Huh ??? *Closed her eyes again and slept*

Edward : *Sighed* It's ok...I'll ask her tomorrow... *Felt her b00bs on his hard chest* This... *Blushed* Ahem... Edward...What's wrong with you ???

Sophia : *Moving continuously*

Edward : *Becoming hard down there* Sophia...Stop moving around... *Groaned*

After the battle with himself he finally slept...

Next morning...

Sophia : *Woke up and found herself on Edward* Shit... Sophia when are you going to get rid of this weird habit ??? *Sighed and got down*

Edward  : *Woke up due to movement* Good morning... *Hoarse tone*

His tone was so sexy but Sophia is too innocent to feel and enjoy his tone...

Sophia : Um...Good morning...

Edward : You have something to tell me ??? *Raised his Eyebrow*

Sophia : Um...I'm sorry... I slept on you... I...I have a weird habit...

Edward : Not about that... Who is Ethan ???

Sophia : How do you know about him ???

Edward : Who is he ???

Sophia : He is so close to me...

Edward : *Cold tone* Is he your boyfriend ???

Sophia : Yeah... kind off

Edward  : *Got down from bed and Stromed towards restroom*

Sophia : Edward...

Edward : *Stopped in his tracks and looked at her*

Sophia : *Smiled cutely* Can I bring Ethan here ???

Edward : WHAT ???

Sophia : *Flinched*

Edward : *Calming himself down* Where is he ???

Sophia : He might be with my things... *Got down from bed*

Edward : *Frowned* Let's go to meet him...

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