Naughty wife (18+)

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This chapter contains mature content which might be inappropriate for some readers... IF you are minor or sensitive minded then please skip this part...

After 1 week...

At Edward's mansion...

In the middle of the night...

Sophia was sneaking out of the guest room where Edward was sleeping... When she was about to reach the door she was pulled back suddenly making her gasp... She didn't shout as she knows who did that...

Edward : Where do you think you are going my dear wife ???

Sophia : Ed... I...

Edward : Hm ??? *Pinched on her waist*

Sophia : *Shivered under his touch* I...mean hubby... I just came here to check on you... *Awkward smile*

Edward : After throwing me out of the room for 2 days you are here to check on me ???

Sophia : *Pouted*

So what exactly happened ???


Two days back...

Edward was working on his laptop which is when Sophia walked out of the restroom after taking a refreshing shower and sat on bed while immersing herself in her phone...After sometime Edward closed his laptop and looked at her... He walked towards her and peeked into to look at her checking out his Instagram account... He chuckled internally and sat on bed on his side... Soon he received a message on Instagram... The message said "I am feeling so lonely please come to me daddy"... Edward smiled as he knew that this is the fake account of Sophia as she was curious about what Edward's next move is...

Edward replied immediately...

Sophia : "Aww you poor little sexy thing...Send me the address and I will be there baby"... *Gasped* MR.EDWARD GREY !!! HOW DARE YOU TO DO THIS TO ME ???

Sophia literally stormed towards him and glared at him... Edward laughed out so loud making Sophia more angry...

Edward : I knew that it was you my dear wife... *Smirked and pulled her towards himself*

Sophia : *Smiled cutely* You should be punished...


Edward : Baby this is not fair !!! *Banging on door*

Sophia : Have fun in the guest room !!! *Yelled from inside*

Edward sighed and left to guest room...

At midnight...

Sophia : *Tiptoed out of the room and peeked into the guest room where Edward was sleeping*

Edward was awake but was still pretending to be sleeping...

Sophia : I can't sleep without you...Idiot !!! *Whispered and checking if he is slept*

Edward : *Oscar level acting*

Sophia : *Sighed and slept while hugging him*

The next morning Sophia woke up before Edward and left the room but the little does she know that he was awake...

That day Sophia ignored him all the time and closed the door on his face at night...

Right now she is trapped with her hubby...

End of the flashback...

Edward : *Smirking* So wifey...

Sophia : I agree I was at fault but you would've ignore that message... *Pouted*

Edward : How can I ignore when I know it's you who messaged me huh ???

Edward lifted her up and took her to their shared bedroom...

Sophia : Hubby !!! *Blushing*

Edward : I am on the edge already baby... You became bold my dear Naughty wife... It's time to face the consequences...

Sophia : *Shiver ran through her spine*

Edward placed her on bed and looked at her as if she is his prey... He gently got rid of her clothes and hovered over her...

Edward went down on her while teasing her folds...

Sophia : *On the verge of releasing herself*

Edward : *Stopped*

Sophia was frustrated sexually and glared at Edward... Edward chuckled and Th***ted into her making her moãn loud in escatasy...He started miving in her gently and they had their long and passionate night...

On the otherside...

John returned to his home and was met by a tight slap from his dad...

John : I deserve one more slap for being a complete stupid dad... *Tears rolled down*

Oliver D'Angelo (John's dad) : Why are you here now ??? GET OUT !!!

Someone : Dad please don't do this... *Soft tone*

John ran to that someone and hugged her tightly* Vanessa I am sorry... *Crying in her embrace*

Vanessa : John... *Soft tone*


To be continued...

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His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now