Happy family

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The three entered into the house to see Thomas sitting in the living room... Elisa came out of the kitchen and her face was full of smiles for the first time after Ava left...

Thomas : *Smiled widely after looking at Sophia*

Lucas : *Dumbfounded* After a long time...Dad smiled... Is this my dream ??? *Whispered to Edward*

Edward : *Too shocked to speak*


Thomas : Sophia ??? Omg... Am I dreaming ??? *Came towards Sophia in a hurry*

Sophia : Hi sweet aunty... *Hugged Elisa*

Lucas : *Jaw dropped and clutching Edward's shirt* Chocolate uncle ???

Edward : *Clutching Lucas's shirt* Sweet aunty ???

The position of Edward and Lucas was so awkward which made Thomas frown and Elisa chuckle... Thomas cleared his throat and Lucas started Trembling...

Thomas  : I missed you so much Sophia... So you got married to this brat ??? *Went to Edward*

Edward : *Scared but stood expressionless* Hello Uncle... *Nodded his head*

Thomas : *Nodded his head* Are you taking care of her well ???

Edward : Yes uncle...

Thomas : Ask you cousin if he is well or not...

Lucas : I'm good...

Thomas  : He will come to meet us once in a week... *Poker face*

Sophia : *Held Thomas sleeve* Uncle... *Cute tone*

Thomas : *Eyes and tone softened* Yes dear...

Sophia : Lucas took care of me so well... He is so caring towards me... I always wanted a brother... He fulfilled that place... *Smiled while looking at Lucas*  Will you do me a favor uncle ??? You owe me two... You remember right ???

Thomas : How can I forget that dear... *Smiled*

Sophia : So..the favor one is...Please talk to Lucas... *Puppy eyes* For me...

Thomas : You don't know what happend in the past dear... *Gentle yet cold tone*

Sophia : I know everything uncle...I'm here today to confess something... You know that I dropped out from school right ???

Thomas : Yes...

Sophia  : So Edward arranged a tutor for me...And the tutor is... Ava... *Scared and took a deep breath* I'll continue if you promise me that you'll not scold me...

Thomas : *Nodded to continue*

Sophia : *Smiled* She had two beautiful angels with her... Rose and Anthony... She became my best friend soon... When I spoke about my dad she became so sad all of a sudden...

Thomas : This brat made her your tutor ???

Sophia : Yes uncle... *Made an admiring expression* I really envy you uncle...

His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now