Staying with him

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George : Amelie... After my mom left I only felt that home feeling again in the presence of you... I know I am asking for so much but... Let's co-parent Sam... (This is the only way I have to keep you and Sam with me...)

Amelie : George you...

Sam : Mommy ...Dadda !!! *Ran to George*

George : *Lifted Sam into his arms*

Amelie : Dadda ???

Amelie was shocked after listening to the way Sam was addressing George...

Amelie : Sam why are you calling him like that ??? It's not good baby... Apologize to him... *Strict tone*

George : I asked him to address me like that Amelie... He is my son from now on...

Amelie : George think about it once again... This is a huge decision...

George : This is too soon but I feel something towards you Amelie... The feeling of home which I lost after my mom passed away... *Took a deep breathe and gulped the sadness* I felt that again with you... Please don't leave me Amelie...

Amelie : George...

George : Please Amelie... I really want to take care of you both... I want to adopt Sam... *Caressing his chubby cheek*

Amelie : *Sighed*

George : What is your decision Amelie ???

Amelie : It's not like I don't like you George but you are taking a very big responsibility...

George : Take you time and think Amelie... You might be hungry let's go and have breakfast ok ??? Later I have a surprise for you... *Smiled gently*

They three had their breakfast and George took Amelie to a room...

Amelie : *Looked around and tears made their way down from her beautiful eyes* This... How did you manage to collect ???

George bought all the stuff that related to Amelie and Sam's parents and threatened Amelie's relatives not to contact her again...

Amelie : *Hugged George tightly and started crying* Thank you so much...

George : *Patted on her back*

Amelie, George and Sam spent their time and loved eachother's company a lot... Amelie thoughf of letting George adopt Sam as she knows that she can't afford to give Sam a better life when compared to George...

Amelie : I am ok with you adopting Sam...

George : Really ??? *Excited*

Amelie : *Nodded her head* But I can't stay away from him... *Low tone*

George : You are not going anywhere Amelie... You will be the mom of Sam... We will co-parent him... If you change your mind then we can be together too... *Looked down*

Amelie : *Looked up at him all stunned*

Next morning...

George took Amelie and Sam to the adoption office...

Adoption officer : Sorry sir this is impossible... You guys are not married...You can't adopt him...

George : But...

Amelie : George can I say something ???

George : *Nodded his head and went out with her*

Amelie : We will get the certificate...

George : *Stunned but happy* Are you sure ???


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter...

I am sorry for not updating guys...I was sick...

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