Confession and Confrontation

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Edward : Sophia...Do you remember the boy from your childhood ???

Sophia : Ofcourse...How can I forget him ???

Edward : Does he look like this ??? *Showed a pic of his childhood*

Sophia : Yes... *Scrolled the pic and gasped*

Edward : I'm that boy... Your childhood love...

Sophia :  What ??? *Shocked*

Edward : Yes...

Sophia : *Got up and walking away*

Edward : *Confused* Sophia...

Sophia : me what you used to call me back then...

Edward : *Teary eyes* Little bunny...

Sophia : *Slapped him hard* You took so much time to tell me this... *Sighed with teary eyes*

Edward : *Shocked and confused* What do you mean ??? *Ignored his stinging cheek*

Sophia : I already know that you are my Mr.Cute poker face boy...

Edward : But...I mean how ???

Sophia : I visited mom,Dad and Veronica sis's thomb with Ava... I felt so sad... I went to Mom and Dad's room that evening...

Edward : When ???

Sophia : Before you confessed your love to me...

Edward : *Looking at her without blinking* That means...

Sophia : Yeah... before I asked you about Veronica sis...

Edward : Why didn't you tell me ???

Sophia : I was waiting for you to tell me... I thought you will add about me while confessing about your past but you just skipped my part... *Pouted* I was so sad... When you said I love you...I wanted to say I love you too but again I thought that...No not so easy...You have to tell me yourself who you are and what you are to me...

Edward : *Hugged her* I wanted to tell you the very next day of my acknowledgement but I was scared thinking that...What if you don't believe me  ??? What if...

Sophia  : *Interrupted him* I love you... I really do...and in these 15 years there is not a single second when I didn't miss you and not think about you... Whenever I faced trouble I used to pray god to bring you to me or take me to you... I always used to pray for your safety... Sometimes I used to cry myself to sleep... When I came to know that you are my childhood long lost love I wanted to hug you tight and tell you how much I loved you... I just... *Teary eyes* I just... *Took a deep breathe and wiped her tears away* I just wanna ask you a favor... Please don't leave me again... This time I can't take it anymore... I ...

Edward : I didn't leave you...You left me... I searched for you so much...

Sophia  : Ok fine...I'm sorry... I'll not leave you again...

Edward : *Cupped her face* I promise you that in this life I Edward Grey aka Edward D'luca will never leave by your side and will always love you , Cherish you and spoil you to the extent where you will find it difficult to leave me for just 2 milliseconds... *Kissed on her lips*

His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now