Bad touch

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Diana : *Touched her own head* This girl is so spoiled...

George  : Thank god you realized that atleast now... *Sighed*

Diana : *Glared at him*

George  : What ???

Diana : What will you take to shut your mouth ???

George : Sophia... *Licked his lower lip*

Diana  : *Sighed* Just have some patience...

George  : You know how that ßitçh kicked me in my stomach ??? Once I get my hands on her then you have to close your ears as you'll not be able to tolerate her miserable screams... *Smirked*

Diana : *Scoffs*

George  : Why are you scoffing huh ??? Let me tell you... I'll kill Edward too... I'll f*ck her infront of his eyes and will kill him brutally...

Diana  : *Sipped her coffee* In that process... Don't get killed...

George : *Glared at her*

Time skip...

In the evening...

Sophia was so excited for Tomorrow... She have been thinking about her studies... She finally got to complete her studies... She was smiling and cheerful all the day... Maids were extremely happy for her...

Sophia was sitting in the living room while watching her recent favorite show and Edward entered into the living room with his suit on as he just came back from work...

Sophia *So immersed in TV show*

Edward : *Sat beside her* Sophia...

Sophia : Hm... *Didn't look at him*

Edward : *Sighed* What's so interesting about this ???

Sophia : The male lead is about to kill his family's murderer... *Looking at the TV show* His sister was killed brutally... She was at fault... Who told her to take chocolate from him in the first place ??? *Sighed*

Edward : What you mean to say is she is at fault right ??? *Cold tone*

Sophia  : Yes... *Spoke unknowingly* I mean... *Looked at him*

Edward : *Bloodshot eyes and fist Clenched* When a girl gets killed then she will be at fault for taking a chocolate huh ???

Sophia : *Scared* Ed...

Edward : *Glared at her* You are indirectly saying that if a girl is ra*ed then it is her fault...

Sophia : Rape ??? What is mean by rape ???

Edward : *Frustated* Oh please don't tell me that you don't know what is mean by that...

Sophia : I Don't know...

Edward : *Threw his phone on her* See it by yourself...And you also wanted to know how baby comes right ??? Go to your room and watch it thoroughly... *Stromed out from there*

His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now