Home sick

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Sophia  : *Hugged him* I'll be waiting for you...

Edward : *Happy as this is the first time someone said this to him while going to the business trip*

Sophia  : *Smiled gently*

Edward  : *Smiled back and left from there with heavy heart*

After two days...

Sophia's Pov  :

I know I shouldn't cry but I can't stop myself... I miss him already... I wanted some fresh air so I came out and here these guards who are double of my size... *Sighed while looking at them* They are literally following me everywhere... This uncle seems soft hearted... Should I ask him about Edward ??? He called me that he reached that's all... He didn't even lift my call... *Pouts*

On the otherside...

Edward : *Gripped enemy guard's chin* Who tf sent you to attack me ??? *Playing with gun*

Enemy guard : *Trembling* Please let me go Mr.D'luca...

{Edward's name is Edward D'luca in the business as well as Mafia world...}

Edward : How can I let you go when you betrayed me  Hm ??? How can I ??? *Cold and dangerous tone*

Enemy guard : I'll tell you everything...Please spare my life...

Edward : No my dear... Tit for tat and blood for blood... *Smirked*

Enemy guard : *Trembling more*


After Edward reached to Germany he immediately called Sophia to tell her that he landed safely... He lied to her saying that he is on a business trip but the real truth is...He is here to kill the mafia gang who is involved in the human trafficking... He don't know whether he will go back safe or not... He always goes on missions like this and will return back safe as he is capable of everything but this time this mission is so difficult... Everytime otherthan his grandpa he had no other hope but this time it's different...His wife is at home waiting for him... He was thinking about Sophia while closing his eyes...

Edward : (I'll come back safe for you wifey... I love you my little bunny...) Ughhh !!! *Bullet hit his shoulder*

All of a sudden enemy guards started firing on him...He ignored all the pain and started fighting with them... Edward and his men killed the guards but they didn't have any idea about who their boss was... He don't know why and who tried to kill him... He captured one of the enemy guard and started torturing him...

It's been two days since he has been injured... For the first time in bis life he is feeling homesick...He just wanna go to Sophia and hug her so tight... There is still 3 days time to see her... It feels like 3 years for him... He just wanna time travel to future... He wanted a doraemon in his life (Silly right ?)

End of the flashback...

On the otherside...

Sarah : *Looking at Lucifer(Chris)* I wonder why he is acting weird from past two days... He is sleeping in an another room... *Mumbled to herself*

His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now