Together forever

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Sophia  : You are not alone Edward ... I'm here by your side forever...


Sophia : *Woke up by the movement of Edward*

Edward : *Shivering*

Sophia  : *Touched his forehead* Omg... Edward...You are burning with fever... *Made him sleep on bed finally after so much difficulty*

Edward : Mom... Mom... *Breathing heavily*

Sophia : *Ran to the restroom and came back with hot water*

Edward  : *Curling his body* Mom...Dad...Veronica... I'm sorry...please come back... *Mumbling*

Sophia : *Rubbed his hands and legs with water and switched off the AC while packing him in thick quilt*

Edward : *Felt safe and slept*

Sophia stayed up whole night and kept on changing the cloth on his forehead...After the whole of three hours Edward sweated so much and fever was subsided... Sophia took care of him very well as she takes care of herself whenever she used to suffer from fever in the past...

Next morning...

Edward : *Opened his eyes*

Sophia : *Sleeping in the sitting position with Edward's head resting on her lap*

Edward was completely confused and touched his forehead and felt a wet cloth...

Edward : *Got up and looked at Sophia*

Sophia : *Sleeping while resting her head on bed's restboard*

Edward : Sophia...

Sophia : *Woke up immediately* Ed...Are you ok ??? How are you feeling now ??? *Cupped his face while touching his forehead with her's*

Edward : What's wrong with me ???

Sophia : You had a high fever last night... I was so scared... Thank god you are ok now... I'll go and call the doctor...

Edward : *Held her hand* Don't leave me alone...I'm sick... *Hugged her waist and pulled her to the bed* We will sleep for some more time...

Sophia : *Hugged him like he is a kid* Ok...close your eyes... Does your head hurt ??? Want me to massage it for you ???

Edward : *Nodded his head*

Sophia : *Massaging his head* (He is just like a kid who wants attention... He is feeling so lonely right now...I have to be with him no matter what the circumstances are...) *Looking at him blankly*

Edward : *Smirked* I know I'm handsome... *Proud*

Sophia : Shhhh...Sleep...Close your eyes... *Kissed on his forehead*

Edward : (She is acting absolutely like my mom... Mom...Your daughter in law is here to take care of me...You can rest in peace now...) *Smiled sadly*

Sophia : Ed... You will stay with me like this forever right ... You will not leave me like my mom right ???

Edward : Yes...we will stay like this together..

His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now