Do or die

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Sophia : To know that I have to become old ???

Edward  : Hey...I'm only 22...

Grrrrrr !!!!!

Sophia : *Stomach grumbled*

Edward : *Chuckled*

Sophia : Don't laugh at me... *Pouts* Mr.Rude...

Edward  : Mr.Rude huh ???

Sophia :  *Turned her face away* I...I mean...

Edward : *Walking towards her* You mean...

Sophia : *Closed her eyes* Ok I'm sorry...

Edward  : Sorry not accepted...

Sophia : What do you want ???

Edward : I want you to give me a kissi please... *Acting cute* (WTF AM I DOING ??? HOW CAN I ACT CUTE ??? COMPOSE YOURSELF EDWARD GREY... )

Sophia : *Kissed on his cheek* I didn't kiss you because you asked me to...I kissed you because you helped me in beating that George... Thank you so much... *Smiled*

Edward : *Too shocked to speak so nodded his head*

Sophia : *Stomach grumbled yet again*

Edward : Let's go and have breakfast... *Held her hand and took her with him*

They both went downstairs and Sophia's jaw dropped after looking at the dining table filled with delicious food...

Sophia  : Do we have guests here ???

Edward : Yes my most important guest...

Sophia  :  Oh... *Looking around*

Edward : *Pulled the chair for her* Please be seated my dear very important guest...

Sophia : Who ??? Me ???

Edward : *Smiled while nodding his head*

Sophia  : I can eat all of these ??? Really ??? *Teary eyes and extremely happy*

Edward : *Frowned his Eyebrows* You don't eat these on breakfast ???

Sophia : No... I'm only allowed to eat bread and drink milk... Sometimes I skip breakfast...

Edward  : *Clenched his fist* From now on you will eat whatever you like ok ??? You are Mrs.Grey... You can order whatever you want... There are 1 butler, 1 head maid, 20 maids and 10 care takers in this house... Just order them and they will be under your command...

Sophia : *Shocked and looking at him without blinking her eyes*

Edward : *Made her sit and served to her in person* I know I'm handsome my dear wife... *Spoke in his all time famous deep tone*

Maids : *Shocked*

After sometime they were done with their breakfast...

His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now