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George : *Looked at Amelie* Please call all the employees to gather in my cabin... *Walked away with Manager*

Soon every employee of the restaurant gathered in George's cabin... This was first time for Amelie to enter his cabin as she is new here...

George : *Looked at the senior most employee* Mrs.Nataile... Tell me about our dear Manager sir... *Cold Sarcastic tone*

Mrs.Nataile : Sir... He is...

George : Please don't hesitate and tell me... *Gentle tone*

Mrs.Nataile : Sir...He... touches the young girls and misbehave with them... He forced and tried to rape so many girls till now including...Me... *Tears rolled down*

George : *Clenched his fist*

Manager : WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ??? *Yelled at Mrs.Nataile*

George : DID I ASK YOU TO SPEAK ??? *Yelled back at him*

Everyone present in the room flinched...

George : You know how it feels being sexually harassed by a random creep ??? HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU DO THIS ??? *Regretting while remembering about Sophia* Even if you realize later the regression will kill you... *Extreme sad low tone with teary eyes*

Amelie : *Looking at him* (Did he harass someone before ??? I can see pain in his eyes...)

George : You will pay for this... *Cold tone while eyeing him up and down*

Manager : *Trembling* Sir... I didn't... Ughhh !!!!

George : *Shot him on hand* Shut tf up before I pluck your tongue out... *Calm yet dangerous tone*

Soon cops came there and took the manager with them... Every employee came to him and thanked him for helping... All the time George's eyes were on Amelie...He don't know why but he found her extremely attractive...

Before he could realize the room became empty...He sighed and resumed his work as he was thinking about developing the restaurant...

On the otherside...

Sophia was sitting in the living room while watching her recent favorite drama and chewing on her snacks which is when Ava and Alina came there... Alina had a sly smile on her face as she can already guess what happened last night after looking at the way Sophia was sitting and the dark circles under her eyes...

Sophia : *Smiled wide after looking at them* Hi guys !!!

Alina : *Hugged Sophia* Hi Sophia...

Sophia : *Flinched as her nips were hurting a little in contact with any cloth* Ouch...

Alina : Are you ok ??? *Concerned tone*

Sophia : *Blushed* I am fine...

Alina : *Understood something and smirked* Are you sure ??? *Looked at her neck with slightly visible hicks as she wore a turtle neck shirt* I see you had a sleepless night... *Smirked more*

Sophia : What are you talking about ??? *Gasped and widened her eyes*

Edward : *Walking towards living room* I miss my wife already...The meeting took more time than I expected... *Sighed* She might be in living room...

His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now