This is not Love...

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Vanessa's POV

Here is here confessing his love to me but this is not love... No... What if he never knew the true colours of Daisy ??? He would never come back here...

John : Vanessa... *Looking at her with so much hope*

Vanessa : John just answer my one question... Would you come back if you never knew the truth ???

John : I would not...

Vanessa : You have your answer... *Smiled sadly and got rid of his grip*

John hugged her from back making her flinch but she didn't struggle... His hug held so many emotions which she can feel but she can't afford to raise her hopes again...

John : I would not let you go Vanessa... Atleast listen to my complete sentence... After I left the house and eloped with her I came to know her true colors... I prepared myself to break up with her buf she said she was pregnant with my baby... I never remember sleeping with her but one day after I got drunk due to stress she manipulated me to agree that I slept with her and yesterday I came to know that it was a lie... I know I would've been stuck up with her if I didn't know the truth but still... That doesn't mean you will not listen to me now...

Vanessa : Let me go John... Why are you explaining to me ??? I am nothing to you and you are nothing to me... *Emotionless tone*

John made her face him and looked into her eyes directly... Her eyes held so much pain which she was trying to hide but couldn't... John cupped her face and whispered "Am I nothing to you ???" Vanessa just looked at him and tears rolled down from her beautiful eyes...

John leaned forward and kissed on her slowly making her freeze in her place... The kiss held so many untold words,unspoken love and burried feelings... The kiss held no lust but love a pure love which belongs only to them...

John : I was a stupid to think it was only a attraction between us... You never left my mind even when I was with Daisy... I am glad she spilled the truth herself and I am back to you...

Vanessa pushed John away and slapped him hard... John pulled her back into his arms and she again pushed him giving a slap... John and Vanessa repeated the same for five times and was tired...

John : Are you feeling good now ???*Hugging her waist*

Vanessa : You are a monster John !!! At first made me love you later rejected me,left me and when I made myself ready to move on you are back again... *Teary eyes* I am tired John... Why am I so unlucky ???

John : Let me be your energy and happiness Vanessa... I was a jerk to let you go but now there is no going back... I love you and only you... *Kissed on her lips yet again*

On the otherside...

Christopher continued to pretend like Lucifer not to make Andrew suspicious whereas Andrew was busy in his own slutty work...

Andrew : Lucifer you did good by killing your useless brother... This thing makes me happy whenever it comes to my mind...

Christopher : Why do you hate him so much Dad ??? *Clenched his fist but maintaining neutral expression on his face*

Andrew : He is a good for nothing with soft heart just like your mom... *Scoffed*

Christopher was just looking at Andrew with fierce eyes but only he know how much hurt he was... Andrew's words were like daggers piercing into his already injured heart...

After sometime...

Christopher went to his room to look at his wife arranging closet... He walked to her and hugged her from back...

Sarah : Chris... *Soft tone*

Sarah felt something wet on her shoulder and widened her eyes... He was crying on her shoulder... A man only shows his emotions in front of the person he loves the most... Sarah stayed quiet and let him cry...After sometime Christopher broke the hug and looked at her...

His face was all red and Sarah caressed it while wiping his tears...

Sarah : Now tell me... What happened ???

Christopher told her everything and Sarah stood on tip toe while hugging him...

Cassandra was standing at the door with teary eyes while looking at her sad son helplessly...

Cassandra : You are done now Andrew... *Fierce look*


To be continued...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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