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John ran to that person who loves him more than anything... His best friend... His Vanessa...

John : I am sorry Vanessa... I was a jerk to hurt you by rejecting you for that woman who is no less to a slut... *Hugged her tight*

Vanessa : John... *Soft tone* What happened ??? And when did you start cursing like this ??? It's not good...

John : But that woman deserves that Vanessa...

John's hold on Vanessa's hand tightened while he kept on apologizing to her... Vanessa smiled at him but all he felt was regression for all the things he had done... All thanks to George who helped him in learning the truth atleast now or else he would've been burried up in the same lie Daisy was showing to him...

Vanessa got rid of his hold and looked at him with a gentle smile plastered on her flawless lips...

Vanessa : Past is past John... I hope you will get out of those thoughts and move on soon...

Vanessa stated in a very gentle tone while making her way towards Oliver (John's dad incase you forgot)... Oliver caressed her hair with so much love and why not she was his little princess after all...

Oliver : How was your shift dear ???

Vanessa just came back from her night shift as she is a doctor...

Vanessa : So hectic as usual dadda... *Smiled*

Oliver : Go and get sone rest princess... *Caressed her hair gently* Don't let someone disturb you...

John felt daggers towards himself from Oliver and Vanessa sighed while cupping Oliver's face...

Vanessa : Dadda don't be so harsh on him... He is already sad... He is heartbroken already after facing the betrayal from the person whom he loved the most... Please don't do this to him...

Oliver : What about you dear ??? Weren't you heartbroken when he left you for a mere girl whom he met few days back ???

Vanessa : I am out of topic here Dadda... It was my fault to love a man who had zero feelings towards me... I should've controlled my feelings and emotions... I thought he might have felt the same towards me but I was wrong... *Shrugged her shoulders* Don't drag that topic now and let him stay here in peace... *Pleading tone*

Vanessa's eyes were controlling a lot of emotions right now... The person she loved from her teenage has returned now just because he was betrayed... What if he never knew the truth ??? She cursed her fate for always doing this to her...

At first her dad sold her to an old man who was a pervert... Her mother's prayer mught have saved her which is why she was sent to Oliver by that old man... She found a family and was happy but fell in love with a guy who cared and loved her the most... But the love she had for him and the love he had for her were different...

He left after she confessed and she cried herself to sleep every night... Atlast all she did was asking the God to keep him happy... She tried to move on but he is here again...

His little teen wife (18+)Where stories live. Discover now