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At George's mansion...

Amelie just woke up and found her surroundings were new...

Amelie : Where am I ??? Did...Did he kidnap me ??? That old man... But what kind of a kidnapper is he ??? He didn't even tie me... *Sighed* I have to pee... Ughhh this thought !!! *Ran around the room*

Amelie was unable to find the restroom as every time she opened the door that was a cupboard or dressing room... She was shocked by looking at the ladies clothes placed there... She had no time to appreciate that and ran around in a hurry... Finally she found the restroom...

Amelie : Uff finally !!!!

She was mesmerized by the beauty of the restroom which was half of the size of her own home... She was feeling weird like... She was not scared... Her heart was at ease for some reason... She saw that a decent dress was placed in the restroom so she thought of taking a shower... When he dared to kidnap her then why can't she use the facilities and luxury to fullest ??? She did her work and looked at herself in the mirror... She opened her top and saw the harsh marks on her body... She had no expression on her face...

Amelie : *Sighed* No doubt it was hurting a lot... That monster... I will see his end but I need a shower right now to get rid of my headache and dizziness... But wait !!! George was there... Where am I actually ??? And Sam ??? What about him ???

Amelie grabbed a quick shower and walked out with the dress that was given to her... She was so scared and worried for Sam...She don't care about herself but Sam is her life and no way in the universe she is letting him face anything bad... At first she thought that the door will be locked but when she opened the door she was surprised... There were no one in the corridor... She was stunned by the beauty of that place...When she was looking around searching for Sam she heard a attention grabbing deep magnetic male voice... She knew who that voice belongs to... She turned around instantly and frowned...

Amelie : George ??? He kidnapped you too ??? *Widened her eyes*

George : *Chuckled* This is my place Amelie actually our place...

Amelie : Our place ???

George : Yes... Amelie stay with me here I will protect you... I know everything about you and Sam need a good environment to grow up... *Held her hand*

Amelie : *Took her hand back* What do you mean ??? *Looked away*

Amelie's POV...

I was so sad after going to the blind date my toxic relatives set for me... He was old and had kids who were older than me...He wanted a young body to quench his thirst... He is disgusting and he tried to touch me so many times... I said no on his face even after knowing the consequences... My relatives threatened me with my parents and Sam's parents stuff... But I can't risk myself and Sam anymore... I took Sam to the park as I promised and sat on the bench while watching him play... This little boy is the only happiness I have in my life...When I was lost in my thoughts I felt someone familiar to my heart near me... George...He is here... He is the only one who cared for me till now after my parents,aunt and uncle... He saved me one week back and from then he never left my mind... I am too embarrassed to say this but I have a crush on him... He is handsome,caring and so good to me... The person who only saw hardships growing up will obviously be attracted to the person who made their heart beat again and I am not an exception... He sat on the same bench as me while maintaining a good distance and asked me how am I doing and why was I sad... So sweet of him..  As a person with so many insecurities I really felt safe around him I don't know why...

I don't know why but suddenly I started dropping all my emotions in front of him... I told him everything that happened and also my past... I was shocked after looking at the way Sam was clinging to him... He himself asked George if he can hug... I even told him about my parents... How stupid of me... I opened up in front of the man whom I met a week ago...

I really felt so relaxed after spending some time with him...He asked me if we can be friends but who is gonna tell him that I feel something towards him... If I tell him then he will think that I am a girl who is behind his money... He left after sometime and soon I heard the door bell again... I thought he is here again but my bad it was that man who is the reason of my sadness... I tried closing the door but that ßastard pushed me and came in... He tried to rape me and George saved us... What happened after that ??? Why can't I remember anything ??? How did I end up in George's place ???

End of her POV...

George : Amelie... *Shooking her*

Amelie : *Came back to her senses* Yeah... Sorry... I was thinking something else...

George : So what do you say ???

Amelie : About what ???

George : Stay with me Amelie... I will take care of you and Sam...(Please say yes Amelie... I can't let you go... Atleast you don't leave me...)

Amelie : *Stunned* Are you serious ??? You know what you are talking about ???

George : Amelie... After my mom left I only felt that home feeling again in the presence of you... I know I am asking for so much but... Let's co-parent Sam... (This is the only way I have to keep you and Sam with me...)

Amelie : George you...

Sam : Mommy ...Dadda !!! *Ran to George*

George : *Lifted Sam into his arms*

Amelie : Dadda ???


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