Chapter 7

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Brandon POV

Fuck, she's not thinking clearly. She needs to get away and I know just what to do. Thank god for twin talk because that look on Core's face lets me know he knows exactly what I'm thinking. His mind is already figuring out possibilities for what happened also. He's a goddamn wizard when it comes to computers so he'll find her hard work. I've got to get her to calm down or she's going to spiral into a panic attack. Those tears are breaking my heart, I know just what to do.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door, ignoring her weak protests and shouts. "What's going on?" North asked, dropping his wrench. Brandon pointed to the sky and did a circular motion.

"Let go, Brandon, I have to find my paper, I have to–"

"Let Corey work his wizarding magic, Pebbles," Brandon said sternly as he gripped her chin a little extra forcefully. Her breath hitched and he wiped away a tear that slipped down. "You know damn well that he is a fucking genius when it comes to computers so he will be able to find all that hardwork you have been doing. Do you trust Corey and his computer skills?"

"Yes," she sniffled.

"Then get your fucking jacket on. NOW."

He released her chin and she rushed over to her locker in the garage.

North POV

That was sexy as hell. I hate that Baby is fucking crying but the way Brandon handled it was hot. I don't know exactly what the hell is going on but from the look in Brandon's eyes, she needs to get away for a bit and clear her mind. He's right, Corey will figure out whatever is going on with her laptop and fix it. He's a goddamn genius. While he's fixing that, we're going to help Baby clear her mind and dry those tears.

North tossed Brandon his keys then grabbed his before catching his jacket that Brandon tossed him. Both backed their bikes out of the garage then put on their helmets. Brooke exited the garage while braiding her hair.

Brandon POV

Damn she looks so good in that leather. I'm so glad she let me finish braiding that gorgeous hair of hers. I love running my fingers through it. She looks adorable in that helmet North got her too. Feeling her slide behind me on my back always makes everything better. Those tiny hands around my stomach does something to me. Hitting the road with her on my bike is just perfect. The wind rushing around us and how she leans into me without even noticing, that kind of trust is ultimate and she doesn't even realize the significance of it. Damn this girl. Eh, even with North's helmet on, I can tell he knows also. Her little taps on my back and the back of my helmet tells me she's enjoying ICP's Boogie Woogie Wu song. I know damn well North is chuckling watching her as her anxiety and anger drifts away. We pull up to a red light and I feel her hop off, so I glance back and chuckle as she quickly hops onto the back of North's bike then begins tapping away on the back on his helmet. Fuck it's sexy seeing him slide his hand back and squeeze her thigh. The light turns green and we hit the road again. I know damn well the other bikers that were behind us were confused about her getting off my bike and getting on North's but it's fine with us. She doesn't fully grasp the significance of her riding with us but that's okay because we know that she knows no one else rides with us, not even the guys so it's a special thing just for her.

We ride around for a little bit longer then she switches back to me and goes back to her playful tapping. Feeling her wiggle back and forth tells us both that her mind is completely at ease now which is exactly what I wanted. I can just imagine her smiling and mouthing along to Black Veil Brides Our Rebel Love Song. It's one of her favorite songs. As we ride, I see North make a circle in the air and I start heading back to the mansion.

Corey walks outside as they pull up to the mansion. They kill their bikes then Brandon gets off and helps Brooke get off before undoing her helmet for her. "Hey Neo," she smiled as she hugged him. "Sorry for my meltdown earlier."

"It's perfectly understandable, Sweetheart," he chuckled, relieved to see her so relaxed and back to herself. A quick glance at Brandon and North told him they accomplished what they set out to do. "I got something to tell you."

"You recovered my work?" She asked hopefully.

"95% of it," he nodded. "Microsoft Office is having some issues so you aren't the only one that lost their stuff. I managed to get everything but the last slide on your powerpoint brought back. When it came to the paper I was able to recover the last autosave. It was an hour before it disappeared so from what I could gather, there's maybe one or two paragraphs that I wasn't able to recover from your paper but I pulled up your browser history so you should be able to find what you need."

"Yay! Thank you Neo!" She shouted as she hopped up and down hugging him. "You are the bestest wizard ever!"

"I know," he chuckled. "You love to remind me."

"Alright, everyone inside," Marc said, coming out while wiping his hand on a dishtowel. "Dinner is ready, and Beautiful?" She looked at him smiling, "you can look at Corey's magic and finish your work after dinner."

She nodded, sliding her hand into Corey's hand, "sounds good, I'm starving."

"Then let's get you fed," North chuckled. "We don't want a hungry Brookey Baby on our hands."

"Ha ha," she rolled her eyes, "very funny Northy."

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