Chapter 4

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Brooke zipped up her messenger bag and smiled as two of her friends came up beside her, "So how did you do?" the guy Dean asked while Amy groaned.

"I think I did okay," Brooke said as Dean pushed open the door so they could leave the school building.

"Wow, who are they?" Amy asked in shock.

"Hey Baby."

Brooke gasped as a huge smile formed on her face seeing the group of men standing there looking at her. "What are you guys doing here?" she asked excitedly as she rushed to hug them. "I thought I said I would—"

"We wanted to pick you up, so you didn't have to drive, Angelos Mou," Silas explained as she hugged him tightly. "You left your class schedule on the fridge," he whispered in her ear knowing she was trying to figure out how they knew where she would be.

"Brooke?" a male's voice asked behind her. She turned back to her friends.

"Dean, Amy, this is my family I told you about," Brooke smiled happily when Raven wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Guys, this is Dean and Amy, they are in my class."

"Oh, I bet you are glad to be back home after that long business trip," Amy said clearly taking them in.

"Hey Babe, how was class?" A man asked as he came up to Dean. "Ready to go? Oh hello, I'm Robert." He said noticed the large group of men. "Hey how you doing Brookey? Finally dating?"

Brooke burst out laughing, "Hey Robert, I'm good. This is my family; they are finally back home. Guys, this is Dean's husband Robert."

"Hello," the group said at once.

"Well nice to meet you but we have to go, dinner is almost ready," Robert said taking Dean's bag from him then held out his hand.

"See you later Brooke," Dean called out as he laced his fingers with Robert and walked off.

"See you next week Amy," Brooke smiled as North took her hand and intertwined their fingers before gently pulling out away while Raven kept his hands on her hips.

"Yeah," Amy cleared her throat, "Bye!"

"Well, this was certainly a nice surprise," Brooke said as North opened her passenger door. "I thought you'd be relaxing at home eating and winding down."

"Not without you, Cupcake," Luke smiled as he leaned against the car. "Just wouldn't be the same."

"You're so full of shit," she chuckled as she buckled up.

"Language, Miss Reed," Owen said staring her down.

She slightly blushed, "Sorry Owen."

"Apology accepted," he barely nodded as Axel placed her bag in the backseat. "See you at home."

"So how was class?" North asked as he pulled out of the parking lot. He frowned, "How long has your car been acting up? I made sure it was in perfect condition when we left."

"Eh," She shrugged, "a while. It gets me where I need to go, so it's fine. You know I don't trust anyone to work on it besides you and Brandon. I know you said the guys at your shop are trustworthy, but I still don't like them even changing the oil for me."

North smirked and rolled his eyes, "So why didn't you just take one of our cars and parked yours until we got back then, Baby?" She shrugged and he internally sighed, "Well, we'll look at it this weekend since you'll be with us. You know we don't mind taking you wherever you need to go."

She smiled gratefully then leaned over and kissed his cheek, "Thank you, Northy."

"Little Girl," He warned while rolling his eyes.

She giggled then went back to looking out the window, "Fine, thank you, North Star." After a few minutes of just the radio playing she sighed softly, "I really appreciate my surprises, Northy, it made today so much better. I'm so glad all of you are finally home."

"Good," North slightly grinned, "well get used to it," he patted her knee then gently squeezed it, "because we're going to be home for a long time. No more traveling out of state for a while."

She turned to look at him excitedly, "Great."

"So, classes?" North asked gently when he noticed she started slightly bouncing her knee. He rubbed his thumb back and forth on her knee.

"Fine, long," she said while looking out the window. "Glad to be done with those tests. Now just have to prepare for the next ones coming up."

"You know you don't have to, Baby," he said calmly. "We will always take care of you."

"I know," she smiled gently at him, "but you shouldn't have to. I should be able to take care of myself."

"You do, Brooke," he said. "You can, but that doesn't mean you have to. We love being able to take care of you. We don't have to, we know that. We want to, Baby, I promise."

She blinked back tears and nodded, "Thank you, Northy."

He groaned and rolled his eyes making her giggle. "Baby Girl..."

He pulled up to the mansion and she kissed his cheek, "I love you, Northy."

"Yeah, yeah," he smirked as he got out of the car and hurried to open her door, "Love you too, Baby Girl." He chuckled as he watched her hurry inside. He grabbed her bag then headed in as well. Dropping the bag by the rocking chair in the living room, he smiled seeing her sitting in front of Gabe's legs on the floor. He was undoing her braid while Marc was holding out her plate for her to take. Things finally felt good for a change and a look around the room told him everyone else felt the same way.

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