Chapter 30

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"The last time was when we all went on our first mission. Uncle called asking if we knew what was happening to her and where her Little bag was. We were planning on telling you all but she never did it again so we didn't think about it again. Lily had advised trying it out voluntarily but Brooke wasn't willing to give it a try. Then again her goal was living a "normal" life at the time. Maybe because of this, she will be willing to truly give it a try as it will help her mentally and she knows she will have all of your support and acceptance. She will, won't she?" He glared at them.

"Of fucking course she will," Gabe quickly said before retreating internally, "Sorry, I didn't me-mean to raise my voice, Styxx."

"I understand, Ba....ehem, Gabe," Styxx said as he almost called Gabe his other name before quickly fixing his mistake.

"Can you explain yourself and the others?" Kota asked curiously. "We don't want to accidentally offend or make any kind of assumptions. Were the guys...I don't know, possessed, or born with you, or I'm not exactly sure how to ask so please no offense. We would just like to understand what is happening, we've only seen slight parts of Dragon but just assumed it was overprotectiveness of Owen towards Brooke and a cute little plaything between them. We've never seen this before."

A dark chuckle came forth from Styxx before he suddenly stopped and looked around the room, "I will divulge what I can now although, you will have more questions before answers in the future. We were born with our "hosts" if you will. We are one of the same coin. We just couldn't be released till the time was right," Styxx admitted.

"Are there others like you all in this world?" Nathan asked as he paced along the far wall.

Tilting his head, Styxx contemplated that question. Deciding to answer yet not revealing everything since it would lead to more questions he said, "Yes."

"Will more be joining the family?" Silas asked. "Both people and...others? Do I need to add to the mansion I guess would be more accurate to ask?"

Before Styxx could answer, Raven or rather Bear as Brooke had called him, marched in front of Styxx and pinned him with a death glare. "Koschei, what's wrong?" Styxx asked, confused yet had his guard up.

"Nyet answer that, Charon. Nyet talk more," Raven growled. "Need wait for Foras."

"Wait a damn minute! Who the hell is Koschei? Charon? Foras? We want answers," Brandon growled as he stood straight up from his slouched position against the wall.

"Charon?" Kota asked as he sat up more. "The only Charon I know is the ferryman that ferries the souls over the ri...ver Styx," he trailed off as his eyes widened in not only disbelief but awe. "Hades makes more sense now...of course, since you're brothers, but you're older humanwise?"

Styxx looked to Bear aka Koschei and gave a sinister smile, "Looks like the jig is up aye there, Koschei? I didn't even say a peep!"


Styxx and Koschei turned to see Dragon standing in the doorway with a glare in his eyes that made them stand up straighter than they already were. He turned to address Kota, "Human age does not matter, we are who we are. Our humans are who we are meant to be with. Now any more questions will be addressed at a future time. Our little queen is tired and needs not to be pestered with unnecessary questions since she is not fully able to comprehend the reality of the situation. Now silence on the matter, am I understood?"

"Quick question?" Gabe asked as he raised his hand nervously. "Actually three?"

Owen raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Who the..." he cleared his throat, "Who is Koshchei? Foras? And if Hades is the ruler of the Underworld then is he ruler of you or are you still the bossman?"

Dragon let a smirk escape as he peered over his shoulder to see Hades already standing up from Brooke's bed. "Well Hades, do you want to answer or shall I?"

"These trifling questions are going to keep up if you don't answer. Look here mortal, there are complex systems of the Underworld mainly stemming from Dominance and Power. The information you mortals have kept a record of is outdated and the history of us is also untrue. There are multiple rulers of the Underworld," Hades explained as he leaned against the door frame.

"Yes, that is one way to put it. There is also a difference between ruling the Underworld and who is of what hierarchy amongst a clan," Dragon divulged cryptically. "As for our names, my name is Foras but my queen calls me her Dragon. I accept that."

"Da," Raven nodded, "I am Koshcei but my queen calls me her Bear. She is the only one to address me as that. I accept her name for me."

"Agreed," Luke nodded. "I am, as Dakota said, Charon the ferryman but she likes to call me Styxx. So my queen calls me Styxx."

"Now if that is all, Carebear needs us and needs to sleep," Hades glared as he turned his back to them, effectively making the point loud and clear. He walked back over to her and scooped her into his arms bridal style.

"Daddy," she murmured into his chest happily.

"Does she need to stay here, Doc?" Victor asked, "or can she come home?"

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