Chapter 6

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Brandon POV

Damn it's good to finally come home. It's been a long day, I really need to get the new guy quickly trained or he's going to cost us a lot of time and money. Maybe North knows someone who can train him. Fuck, there she is. Damn, she looks so cute with those reading glasses on. She doesn't wear them very often but when she does, fuck. I guess Owen and North don't know she's chewing on her pen as she reads whatever the hell she's reading. She looks so focused sitting in Owen's chair with her knee up against her chest, guess she's doing some school assignment or something. The only other time I see her that focused is when she's creating her crafts. Gabe must not be home or he would have already fixed those strands falling out of her ponytail. She looks so adorable in my shirt and those blue leggings. She calls them comfy clothes but whatever she wears is adorable.

"Did you save your work?" Corey asked as he came up behind her. She didn't respond so he reached around her and clicked on something, snapping her out of her trance.


"You forgot to autosave your work, Sweetheart," Corey chuckled as he pulled the pen out of her mouth. He handed her one of Nathan's chewing necklaces and she smiled gratefully up at him. "There now you don't have to worry about losing your work. Why don't you take a break? You've been working on this since 9 this morning and it's now almost dinner time."

She shook her head, "I'm almost done. I've just got a few more slides to create and type up then I'm done with my leadership and management final project. It shouldn't take me much longer."

"Fine," he chuckled, knowing it wasn't worth pushing her right now.

"Being stubborn, Pebbles?" Brandon asked as he leaned against the doorframe.

"Bam Bam!" Her eyes lit up seeing him, making him internally smile. "You're home! How was work?"

"Long," he admitted, "glad to be home. Where is everyone?"

"I don't know," she admitted shrugging, "been working on this final project all day. Last I saw Owen, Axel, and you were leaving for work. North was heading to the garage, Luke was already at the bakery, Raven and Silas were on assignment, Victor was getting ready for rehearsal, Sean was at the hospital, Nathan was heading to his Dojo, Kota was taking Max to a check up, Marc was at his coffee shop, and Gabe was leaving for his shop. Corey has been here."

"Still the same," Corey nodded, "although most came home for lunch but you were too busy working to have lunch with us so you compromised and promised Owen that you would have dinner with us. Guess you forgot North brought your lunch to you."

"Oh yeah," she blushed. "Sorry."

"Don't be," Brandon shook his head, "we get it."

"Still working, Miss Reed?" Owen asked as he entered the room. He sat down his briefcase and started unbuttoning his jacket.

"Owen, you're home!" She beamed then they saw the moment she remembered she was sitting in his chair. "Sorry," she said, dropping her knee and starting to stand.

"Stay," He commanded, watching her. She sat back down. "I do not need my chair at the moment. "Is there something wrong with the chair Mr. Coleman and Mr. Henshaw ordered you?"

She shook her head, "Just not the same," she mumbled.

"Very well," he barely nodded. "You know you are welcome to use ours whenever we do not need them. It doesn't not bother us. How much more work do you have?"

"Not much," she said, glancing back at her laptop. She clicked on something and went back to reading. They could tell she was sliding back into focusing on her work.

"Just remember our deal," he said, removing his jacket.

"Yep," she popped the p as she went back to typing away. "Uh huh, sure."

Brandon plopped down on the couch as Owen picked up his briefcase and headed to his room to drop off his things. Corey smirked and headed to the kitchen to grab a water bottle for him and his twin.

"No! No! No!"

"What?" Brandon asked, turning to look at Brooke who had sheer panic on her face.

"What's wrong?" Corey and Owen asked, rushing into the room.

She quickly picked up her phone and typed something on her phone before hitting the speaker button and went back to clicking on her laptop.

"What's up, Brooke?" Dean's voice came from her phone.

"My paper just fucking disappeared!" She shouted in full panic mode. "All eight pages NOT double spaced just fucking gone! All that work, Dean I've been working on it ALL day and it's just GONE! It's due by midnight, Dean! The powerpoint and the paper, all those hours of working on it and all the research!"

"So just redo it?"

"Seriously Dean?" she blinked back tears as she paced around the room and pulled at her hair. "I can't just REDO it, I don't have the time?"

"Why didn't you just autosave?"

"I DID!"

"So then it should be on your computer somewhere. You probably just saved it in a different folder by mistake."

"I have searched everywhere for it! I searched the whole damn fucking C drive for it and the only thing showing up now is a fucking internet shortcut for some fucking reason, which makes no damn sense."

"Well, then guess you're just going to have to pull an all nighter."

"I CAN'T!" She shouted. "The research and all the typing and...and..."

Brandon walked over to her, stopping her pacing, and took the phone from her hand. He ended the call and tossed her phone on to the couch, "Breathe Pebbles," he said calmly.

"But you don't understand, Brandon," she tried to protest. "I...I..."

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