Chapter 38

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"Sleep, Little Rose," Buer grunted as he held his hand over her forehead. The men watched as her eyes drifted close and her body relaxed on the floor better than how Sean had laid her down when he started to treat her. "She is going to be all right now. As for Charon and Naberius, they need rest and to remain by her side to remind them that she is alive and will be okay. This is going to cause a rift in the flow of soul passage but nothing Charon hasn't dealt with before. Now can someone explain to me what happened?" Buer announced to the group as he let his magic flow into Charon before addressing everyone.

"We thought she was still sleeping," Marc whispered. "She was in a deep sleep when we went outside to talk, we didn't want to accidentally wake her."

"We were just talking and then North, Raven, Owen, and Luke shouted her name and took off inside," Victor nodded.

"Even though it was an accident, she was okay transitioning over," Curupira grunted, "she felt like was becoming a burden."

"I understand," Buer murmured as he moved his hand from Charon to Naberius. "What happened while she was there?"

"Charon had to carry her to the palace to prevent her crossing and him fulfilling his duties. That is why he called upon us to help hold him back along with saving her. We had to lend him our strength," Paimon stated as Axel's eyes darkened even more than normal.

"Don't forget she told us earlier when she sent us back that Cerberus would be joining soon," Koschei nodded. "Said to get her a new baby."

"Guess we will have to have Gabriel assist us on finding new babies for her," Hades nodded. "It is not surprising that more joined in this. It's unheard of but not really that surprising. Our bonds have never been so linked before."

"Hades," Paimon said as he moved to stand in front of him. Hades just stared so Paimon sighed, "She showed up."

"What?" Hades asked as his back went rigid, "Are you sure?"

Paimon nodded, "I saw with my own eyes. She spoke to her."

"What did she say to Brooke?" Foras asked as his eyes narrowed.

Corey cleared his throat and the group turned to see that his blue eyes were now silver, "She told her that she was stronger than she believed and that it wasn't her time to join us yet." His eyes turned solid white as his mind recalled the full conversation and spoke it to the group. When he was done recalling everything, his eyes turned back to his normal blue and he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "that was weird."

"No fucking shit. But who fucking met Brooke where? Can someone fucking speak some goddamn English here!? You keep going in fucking circles I can't keep up!" Gabe exclaimed before Marc slapped his hand over Gabe's mouth as Brooke groaned and adjusted into a fetal position.

"Shut the fuck up before you wake her!" Marc hissed out. Gabe's eyes widened as he nodded fast.

"Let's get these three in a better resting room before continuing this conversation," Paimon suggested as he bent down and princess carried Brooke in his arms. Hades grabbed Charon while Curupira grabbed Naberius as Silas led the way to Brooke's room and they laid the three sleeping people down. Hades put Charon on one side of Brooke while Paimon put Naberius on the other side of her so she was sandwiched in the middle.

Foras reached over and put the men's hands on her stomach since she was laying on her back so they both could be touching her. Once he was pleased he grabbed Gabe and pulled him out of the room with everyone following suit. "You," he growled as Gabe struggled to keep up, "you are going to listen and take notes while we describe ourselves to you and then you will find her babies that represent us similar to the ones she already has of us, understood?"

"Yep, fucking got it," Gabe nodded, "crystal fucking clear."

"Watch your language," He glared down at him. "We may be demons but we still demand respect and our Queen does not need such filth around her unless you absolutely can not help it."

Gabe gulped, "yes, Sir."

Foras released him and he quickly sat at the table in the conference room. He grabbed the notebook and pen and opened it to a new page. Foras cleared his throat, "Brooke already has babies of Hades, myself Dragon, Bear, and Styxx. She needs babies for everyone else. It seems reasonable to go ahead and get everyone so that when all of us are here she already has her babies. The remaining ones of us that are here will step forward and describe themselves. The ones that are still in our world ruling for us while we are here will be explained by one of us here, that should be sufficient information for you to conduct your shopping, should it not?"

Gabe nodded, "Yep."

"As for the rest of the conversation," Hades said as he scanned the room for any potential threats or harms to the sleeping members, "we will continue it once everyone is awake and given the all clear from both doctors. I will only explain it once so listen clearly because I will not be repeating myself."

Gabe gulped, "Got it. Create a list of questions and shop for stuffy babies."

Hades' eyes narrowed, "Reasonable questions, Gabriel Joseph."

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