Chapter 13

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Owen watched Brooke sleep for a few minutes then walked around the mansion, spotting where everyone was. Marc and Luke were in the kitchen making some simple meals for Brooke while Sean was in his office making a list of supplies that he needed to get. Nathan and North were in the gym while Corey and Victor were typing away on their computers. Axel was in his office doing some research on some bioluminescence for his aquarium and Kota was in his office working on the family accounts. Brandon was in the garage working on his bike and Gabriel was sketching away in the art studio. Raven was in the weapons room cleaning away while Silas was talking to Marc and Luke about something involving the sink that they had noticed. Seeing that everyone was busy he let slip a millimeter smirk before heading to his bedroom. After replacing his black framed glasses for some contacts he changed from his suit into some dark blue jeans, a light gray tee shirt, and some worn out tennis shoes, he slipped his sterling silver chain necklace that had a dragon hanging from it then slipped from the house to head to the barn that was in the distance.

Standing in front of the red barn door, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath then slowly opened his eyes, and if anyone was standing in front of him they would be shocked to find out that the gray was just one or two shades away from being black. He opened the door, took two steps inside then shut it behind him, casting the building into darkness once more aside from one bulb that made a hay yellow circle towards the back of the building.

Without speaking he proceeded to walk towards the light calmly while his mind swirled with various thoughts with everything that has been happening lately. Reaching his destination, he stood as still as a statue and just observed patiently.

The bloody man chained to the wall barely lifted his head, letting a stream of blood drool down his chin onto the hay that rested beneath him. His left eye was swollen shut while his right was barely able to open. His nose was clearly broken and there was a cut on his cheekbone that was healing poorly from the lack of stitches it needed. His chest had multiple size boot print bruises on it and there were a few broken ribs from the way the man was wheezing. His jeans were ripped in different spots and there was blood all over them. He looked like shit and felt that way as well.

"Le'me..." the man gasped, "go."

"No," Owen said so calmly one would think it was an everyday conversation he was having. "I don't think that I will."

"Kill me," the man whispered as more blood poured from his mouth.

Owen tsked as he shook his head, "I don't believe I will be doing that either."

"Why?" the man's head dropped, making the chains rattle from his weight dead dropping.

"You don't deserve it," Owen said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You upset me and you deserve to be punished for it. Why would I give you what you want when you upset me? How is that fair?" Owen tilted his head as he watched the man whimper in defeat. "Besides you have information that I want."

"I'll tell you everything," the man pleaded.

Pride filled Owen's eyes as he watched the man try to cower under his gaze, "Oh I know you will." He pulled something out of his pocket as he took a step closer to him. "You will tell me everything I want to know and if I even begin to think you are lying to me..." he trailed off just waiting for the right moment and when the man's body began to tremble he held back a smirk as he finished his sentence, "well, you will not like the results."

"Please," the man whimpered when he spotted the object in Owen's hand, "no."

"My treasure wanted you to stop and you didn't," Owen glared as he continued to run the knife through the zippo. "Why should I listen to your pleas when you didn't listen to hers?"

"Wasn't...supposed...this...way," he gasped as Owen flicked the zippo shut and slid it into his jean pocket before pulling on the chains making the man fling up against the wall.

Owen casually strolled over to him and barely pressed the sharpened knife against the man's neck in the same spot he knew his darling had bruises on hers. He slowly slid it across the skin and smirked as he watched the panic grow in the man's eyes. Owen knew he was barely breaking the skin but the man didn't. Once he reached his destination, he wiped the knife on the sanitized towel on the toolbox then picked up a spray bottle and a small glass jar.

"Name," Owen demanded as he strolled back over to him.

"Just kill me," the man pleaded.

"I won't tell you again," Owen threatened.

"She wasn't supposed to fight me," he tried to explain. "I was just supposed to take her to a building in the national forest and I would get $50,000, that was it, I swear."

Owen raised the bottle and sprayed alcohol over the cut. The man screamed as Owen sat the bottle down and poured something white from the jar into his palm. He took a step closer to the man and blew into his hand, letting the salt stick to his now soaked neck, making the prisoner's screams get louder.

Owen stood stoic as he waited for the screams to subside, "Tell me what I want to know."

"I can't," the man sobbed. "I can't."

Owen pulled the zippo back out of his pocket as he picked up another knife, "Then we are just getting started," he said as he watched the flames dance around the silver metal with glee, his gray eyes glowing like hematite and moonstone gemstones.

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