Chapter 24

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"What do you mean by what you found afterward?" Marc questioned with hesitance.

Uncle sighed as he knew that Luke and North were never informed of what was all found during her case. Their main focus was helping her get better and be safe. "Dr. Roberts, Erica, and myself are the only ones aware along with Brooke's lawyer, those who attended his court trial, and Brooke herself. We found boxes of VHS tapes along with a few file boxes full of CDs." Uncle hesitated on admitting what they was going to change everything and he didn't need them changing in the car into them.

"What the fuck did you find in them?" Owen asked with a growl so deep it sent chills down Uncle's back.

Taking a quick gulp Uncle said, "VHS and CDs of recordings of any play time he had with her. It went back years, from the looks of it she was around 12 when he started. They showed everything from the drugging to the beatings to the...well everything."

"Kill," Multiple deep voices growled at once.

"Wait, I thought there was a no-killing rule! Owen? Axel?" Uncle frantically asked. He still couldn't get used to it when they did that.

"Confessions and evidence first," Axel gently reminded them. "We need proof first so this doesn't happen again, remember?"

"Fine, then we will have our fun. I think it's time we finally unlock our playhouse Boys," Marc seethed out as his voice became deeper and almost like a crackling there.

"How much fucking further? If he's fucking there I don't want her with him for fucking long!" Brandon loudly questioned as he couldn't see anything besides darkness and trees.

"Tracking says you are less than five minutes away," Corey said from where he was watching on the laptop.

"Are the girls going into the playhouse also? Or are they learning their lesson and then being handed over to the authorities?" Silas questioned as he pumped his fisted hands. He never cared for hitting a woman before. Though, tonight might be a first for a lot of things.

"I vote they join the playhouse," North and Luke said at the same time with deep hatred.

"Da, playhouse. Hurt kitten, I show professional Russian," Raven grumbled out as he popped his knuckles. "They call asshole they deserve pain."

"Once all evidence has been put together, we shall decide what their punishment will be. You know the rules of the playhouse. Those that deserve purgatory we gladly sentence them," Owen said as he adjusted the metal ring he was wearing.

"Stop!" Corey shouted. "You're there!"

"Fucking where Core?" Brandon glared as he slammed on his brakes. "There's nothing here but fucking trees. Hell, there isn't even a damn driveway."

"I'm telling you, you are right there!" Corey shouted back as he watched the multiple dots cover the red dot from the video feed.

"Hmm, you think they're in a bunker?" Marc questioned as he looked over to Axel.

"Only one way to find out. Alright everyone keep your guard up from this point on. There could possibly be traps," Axel agreed as he adjusted the bulletproof vest before pulling his shirt back down.

"Da, time hunt," Raven said with a sinister smile as his eyes darkened. His aura changed to malice and bloodthirst. He threw his door open at the same time drawing his gun. The team followed suit and exited the vehicles after making sure they drove into the dirt so their vehicles wouldn't be out and in the open on the road. Brandon had to move North's and Raven's but it was fine, he knew he would quickly catch back up. There were trees, bushes, and tall grass surrounding them as they started walking looking for any signs of where their girl could be.

"Fan out and watch for any doors on the ground. You'll know once you step on it," Marc called out before he moved a little ways from the group.

"Head East," Victor demanded, "We managed to narrow it a little more but still working on it."

The group did as instructed till suddenly Luke's foot seemed to vibrate a little as though he had accidentally stepped into a small shrub. "I think I found it!" he whispered loudly. With his gloved hand he reached into the shrub and grasped a handle. Lifting it up was tricky at first like it was stuck until Silas came over. Luke stepped away and watched as the door was forced up by Sila's strength. The door had leaves, grass and a shrub sticking to it so it would blend with the surroundings.

North, Owen and Raven quickly made their way over and looked into the deep dark hole. "Found you," Raven said sadistically as he holstered his gun. "Ladder, I down first," was all he said before he quickly descended into the dark hole. "Safe come down."

North's eyes shifted to pure darkness as he swore he caught the tail end of Brooke's scream. He hissed out, "Time to deliver thy punishments."

"Oh, what fun we are going to have today," Luke maliciously cackled as he too made his way down the dark hole. "It's been way too long since I've had some fun."

"Now, now, Gentlemen, our toys don't know the rules of the game," Owen said darkly as he slipped his leather gloves on. "Let's go catch our toys before they try to get away."

"Be careful," Uncle's voice came through their headsets. "Bring our girl home first and foremost before you dish out your punishments."

Multiple chuckles were the only response before the call ended.

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