Chapter 26

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"Oh my little toy, Master will give you everything you desire," Joey said into her ear before thrusting into her. A loud moan escaped her along with a squishing sound from how wet she was already due to the drugs he injected in her. He groaned and said, "God you're so fucking tight! You feel so good wrapped around my dick. You like being filled and used as your Master pleases, don't you? Jesus fuck! There has never been such a perfect toy. I thought your mother was but nothing can compare to you." He pounded into her over and over. All she could do was lay there and take it since she was pretty much a third wheel locked in her mind. Her body kept releasing moans and arching toward him even though all she wished for was either someone to stop this nightmare or put her out of her misery.

His hand wrapped around her throat and she wondered if he would apply just the right amount of pressure to cut off her air supply. With him being high and her being like this, she hoped he wouldn't notice if he pushed down too much for too long. This wasn't what she wanted and yet her body was acting like she was enjoying this. No one would believe her if she tried to fight this again. There was clearly evidence showing otherwise. Now her only hope was that he would fuck up and end this for her forever. No one would love her after they found out how nasty she was.

As she became lost in her mind and he chased his ecstasy, neither heard the clamor of noise outside the room. It wasn't until a gust of air rushed into the room and the loud bang of the door before Joey could fully react to something happening around him. Deep sinister growls came from behind him before he was ripped off of her. "Get the fuck off her!" roared North as he tossed Joey to Raven.

"What the!" Joey began before getting cut off by Raven choking him and slamming him into the wall. The dark soulless eyes and sinister sneer Raven held caused pure fear to ripple through Joey. Noticing the sinister aura surrounding every man who entered the room had him wanting to cower away. Wet liquid trailed down his legs, making Raven chuckle when he realized what the asshole did from his fear.

"Brooke!" multiple voices shouted though all she could do was lay there covered in sweat, blood, tears and cum. Her body vibrated with tremors, whether it was from being cold, fear, relief, or sexual tension she couldn't tell.

"You hurt kitten, I pay back," Raven seethed as he took in her form as Luke, Brandon, Axel, and Marc swarmed to her and tried undoing the chains. Luke was able to get one of her feet undone although his blood thirst was calling for him to deliver a greater pain to the man that did this to his seductress.

"Move," a harsh voice demanded. The men moved out of the way as Owen walked up to her. "Don't worry Darling, we are here now and will get you out," he said before breaking the chains with his bare hands. "You're safe now."

North surveyed the side table and pointed to it as he said, "These are what he fucking used," his eyes narrowed at the shot. "He fucking drugged her!"

"Let me look," Sean ordered as he moved her face so she was looking at him. "Brookey, can you hear me?" A tear slipped out of her eyes. "Can you blink for me?" He gently asked. She blinked, making him smile, "that's good, Brookey. Blink one for yes and two for no?" She blinked once, making him nod, "That's great. Now can you move your fingers or toes?" She tried over and over but the look on his face told her that nothing was working. Another tear escaped as she blinked twice. "That's okay, Brooke, you're doing great. Now I'm going to stop this bleeding and then we're going to get you out of here, okay? The touching you will feel is from me. He will never touch you again, I promise." The look he gave her told her that she was finally safe. Only two things would confirm that for her though.

"D...da..." she struggled to get the words out. "Da...da...Dada."

"I'm right here," Luke said as he rushed to her side so she could see him. "I'm here, Carebear."

"Da...da..." she tried again as she felt hands touching all over her body. A moan slipped out as more tears streamed down her face.

"Daddy?" Luke asked. She blinked once and he looked over his shoulder to see North beating the shit out of Joey along with Raven and a few others. "Hades is currently playing right now, Carebear."

"Da..dy.." She whispered. Amidst the sound of flesh hitting flesh, North heard her voice and paused. "Da......d....dy.." he heard again and rushed to her side.

"I'm here Carebear, I'm right here. You are such a good girl, such a good girl waiting for us. You're safe now Pretty Girl," North/Hades gruffly whispered as he held her face and put his forehead against hers so she would only see him. She could see how true his words were by the look of security his eyes held with her own terrified eyes.

"Luke? Wha?" Sean began to question till Luke glared at him while shaking his head no before making an over-there motion. They went to the corner of the room with Axel and Marc so Brooke wouldn't overhear. "Okay, explain now," Sean demanded as he looked over at North and Brooke before directing his attention back to Luke.

"She has only done this a number of times and most of the time doesn't really remember what happened afterward," Luke began as his attention drifted between the man being hog-tied by Silas or his brother with the love of their lives.

"Are you saying she involuntarily slips?" Axel questioned with a shocked face. They have known each other for some time now, hell it's been a decade, and yet they never once speculated about her possibly being a little and now she has twice back to back. First with the attempted kidnapping and she clung to Owen or as she called him Dragon and now this but even this was different from before. Everything was changing.

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