Chapter 9

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It had been a month now and she still hadn't talked to them. She ignored all their calls and texts and even switched her classes to online, so she didn't have to attend campus after they showed up after her classes to try and talk to her. She refused to answer the door to her place and even quit showing up at Bob's Diner to help Uncle out, which infuriated him when he found out what was happening. The men were getting frustrated since this was the longest that she had ever gone without talking to them even when they were gone on assignments overseas.

"What we do?" Raven demanded as he paced the living room. "Nyet like this."

"None of us do," Corey sighed as the group tried to figure out an answer.

"Come on, you guys we have to think of something," Brandon sighed.

"I don't know," Luke shook his head. "We broke her trust. We need to figure out a way to earn it back. We have to prove that we deserve it, she requires action not words."

"Well, then why don't we just back off and give her some space," Axel sighed. "She is making it clear that she doesn't want to talk to us, so let's give her that." He ignored the glares being thrown at him, "look, she has our numbers and knows where we live. We'll just leave a note with Uncle that we aren't taking any assignments right now and just focus on our regular jobs that way when she needs us, we can be there for her. Just think about it."

"I hate you," North mumbled as he stormed to his room and slammed the door shut. Raven clenched his fist and stormed off to his room as well. The rest of the group just sighed and went about their way.

Two more weeks past and Brooke was finally leaving her house. Uncle had been blowing up her phone demanding to see her so here she was heading to the diner to have lunch with him. She pulled into the gas station and sent a quick text to Uncle to let him know that she was getting some gas before she was there. As she was waiting for the car to fill up, she pulled her phone out of her pocket to see if Uncle replied to her text. Hearing a vehicle pull up in the station behind her, she didn't think anything of it as she noticed that there were no notifications of new text messages, which meant Uncle was probably busy at the moment.

Hearing the click that let her know the tank was filled up, she slid the phone into her back pocket and replaced the nozzle back into the station. Just as she turned to put the cap back, she was shoved up against the car. "What the fuck?" She gasped as she shoved herself off the car, making the man behind her stumble. She quickly turned around and punched the guy. "What the fuck?!"

"You BITCH!" the man shouted as he pulled his knife out and swung it at her. She quickly dodged it and raced around the car, but the man started chasing her. She quickly pulled her phone out and hit the red button. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" The man shouted as he chased her around the car.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" She shouted as she took off running past the car and towards the building. "HELP!"

"DO NOT HANG UP!" Corey shouted through the phone even though he sounded distant. "KEEP YOUR PHONE ON!"

"FUCK!" She shouted as she was tackled to the ground. The phone flew out of her hand and she gasped as the guy punched her in the back. "You are going to fucking die you asshole," she gasped as he started choking her with her necklace. She began coughing as she clawed at her throat.

Just as black spots clouded her sight, the hands around her neck were gone. She gasped as the oxygen raced down her throat and she started hacking. Hands rolled her over to her side as the ringing in her ears faded so she could hear various vehicles roaring in the distance with even some motorcycles running. She managed to get to her knees and tried to crawl away from the hands touching her. "No," she croaked as tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision.

"It's me, Pookie," Sean's voice said kneeling down in front of her. "It's Dr. Sean."

"S...s...Sean," she croaked as she stopped crawling. The air was yanked out of her as her throat started to close again and her balance swirled. She fell back onto her ass as she scratched her neck, trying to gasp but all she got were very short gasps.

"I got you Brookie," Sean said pulling her hands away from her throat, "let me, stop Brooke, let us help you," he pleaded as he intertwined his fingers with hers to stop her. "Gabe is going to take it off, I promise." He held her gaze and remained calm, "Gabe is going to touch your neck and take it off, I promise you can breathe Brooke, just keep looking at me. In," he slowly inhaled and smiled proudly when she tried, "Good job now out." It took a while but she finally felt her throat open up more and she could breathe again.

She saw her choker in Gabe's hand beside Sean then heard the all too familiar sound of flesh hitting flesh. She released her hold on Sean's hands and turned her body to see North, Nathan, and Raven punching someone on the ground. She crawled over to them, "Stop."

All three men froze and looked over at her confused, "Brooke?" Nathan asked in disbelief.

She heard the man groan and anger overtook her. She pulled her hand back and punched the man in the face. "You," she gasped, "asshole," she exhaled as she punched him again. She punched him in the chest, stomach, throat, and head over and over.

"Alright, Baby," North said gently pulling her away after some time. "You taught him a good lesson about messing with you. You did so good, Baby." He repeated as he carried her away while she continued shouting curses at him.

"You fucking idiot, my Professional Russian is going to show you EXACTLY who he is!" She shouted as she tried to break free from North's hold. "You done fucked up! I told you—"

"Alright Angelos Mou," Silas interrupted smirking as he blocked her view and cupped her face instantly, stilling her wild movements. "Let's rest that throat of yours now, okay? Please?" She sniffled and nodded. "Are you hurting or still on an adrenaline high?" She whimpered and held her arms up.

"Upsie?" she pouted, making him chuckle.

"Let go, North," Silas demanded. North chuckled and let go of her just enough so Silas could lift her out of his hold. Once Silas wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms were around his neck, she burst into tears. "I know, Angelos Mou, I know," he cooed as he leaned against her car and held her. "We have you, you're safe now, Angelos Mou, you're safe."

"I need to take her to the hospital, Silas," Sean spoke gently as he came over to them.

"No," Brooke hiccupped, "Un...un...uncle...l...l...lunch."

"Okay," Sean nodded knowing now was not the time to protest. Besides Uncle would have plenty of first aid supplies and a private room he would allow Sean to assess her wounds.

"I'll call Uncle," North said pulling his phone out of his pocket. "He'll want to know anyway."

"Go ahead and take her, Si," Corey said coming over to them. "We'll be right behind you, Sweetheart, just as soon as we're able to call off your professional Russian."

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