Chapter 32

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All pictures were found on Pinterest

"Gabriel is going to remove Dada's shirt, Carebear," Hades said calmly, "but he needs to hear from you what you are okay with him doing. You have to use your words and tell him and us what is okay and what isn't. Do you need a bathing suit?"

"No," she shook her head. "No peas Daddy. Wan be keen all ober," she pouted. She looked at Styxx who nodded encouragingly then turned her head to look at Gabe who was just standing there patiently with a soft smile on his face. "Yous wash me all ober peas. Wan bad man touch all gone, no wan feel him on me no more. Wan be all keen, wan hair all pwetty again, no wan bad man touch no more. I okay wif yous washing me keen. Wash Daddy and Dada too peas."

Gabe nodded, "I can do that. How about you check the water first? I don't want it to be too hot for you."

Styxx stuck his hand into the shower then nodded, "It's fine for her. Come on Carebear, let's get you all cleaned up so you can play in the bubbles."

Hades carried her into the warm water and tightened his hold on her as she tilted her head back. When she lifted her head, some of her hair fell into her face and on his chest and she gasped when she saw the water was tinted red. "Hey, don't look at that, Carebear," Hades said with a hint of sterness, "look at me." Her eyes tore away from the red up to his dark ones, "Good girl, keep looking at me. Gabe's going to remove your Dada's shirt now."

"I safe," she nodded.

"That's right, Carebear," Styxx nodded as he stepped up closer to them. "And after your bath we have a surprise for you."

Gabe talked to her through the whole shower letting her know what he was about to do so she would be aware and then he quickly washed Hades and Styxx too. Once he deemed everyone clean he started her a bubble bath. Styxx slipped into the tub and kept a close eye on her while she played. Seeing that she was starting to tire he called out for Dragon and Bear to grab towels so he could rinse them off while Gabe went to get her some soft pajamas before drying her hair.

"Feel better, Little Treasure?" Dragon asked as he gently dried her off.

"Muchies," she beamed up at him.

"Ready for present?" Bear asked as he watched Gabe start to detangle her hair. "Easy," he growled when she winced at a tangle.

"Sorry," Gabe frowned as he sprayed some of his homemade detangler on it.

"Is otay," she smiled, "yous no mean it."

After her hair was dry and she was dressed in some soft shorts and another of Styxx's shirts, Hades picked her up. "Close your eyes so you can see your surprise, Carebear." He carried her to a room where Kota opened the door then stepped to the side. Hades took two steps in then smiled as he carefully lowered her to her feet. He turned her around so her back was resting against his chest then he put his hands on her hips. "Open your eyes, Carebear."

A soft gasp escaped her mouth as she opened her brown eyes and saw a room with Care Bear paintings on the wall. The bed in front of her had soft rainbow clouding bedding on it with star, moon, and cloud pillows on it that looked like they were super soft.

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