Chapter 14

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Owen huffed out a sigh of annoyance as the red liquid on his fingers made him drop his knife. "This is really becoming bothersome," he rolled his eyes.

"Please..." the man whimpered.

Owen wiped his hands on his jeans then began twisting the lid off the jar in his left hand. "I told you, for every tear my precious treasure spilled, you would feel my wrath tenfold. Now," he casually tossed the lid over his shoulder, "names."

"I told you I don't know," the man sobbed, his drool leaving behind a white streak on his now mahogany tainted skin. "I don't know."

"And I know that is a lie," Owen glared. "Now," he smirked darkly, "did you know that fire ants are attracted to moisture?" He tapped the tilted jar a couple of times, watching intently as some ants dropped onto the man before him. "Here you are covered in your own filth, tears, and sweat, they are going to love you..." he chuckled before tapping the jar a few more times so more ants fell out.

The man let out a scream as the ants swarmed and bit him over and over.

"There you are," a rough voice said as multiple steps approached Owen.

"What?" Owen growled as he tossed a bloody rag onto the ground. "I'm busy."

Corey held up his phone, revealing Brooke laying in Owen's bed sobbing. " dra...gon..."

Owen clenched his fists as his jaw ticked, "Why didn't you come get me sooner?"

"She just started," Sean sighed, "We told her you were playing–"

"I'm done," Owen shot his glare at Sean. "It's your turn."

"Damn, look at these burns," Kota shook his head, "You and your obsession with fire."

"All three degrees," Axel smirked, "and fire ants?"

"Looks like alcohol and salt too," North pointed out, "did you manage to get anything out of him while you played with your knife?" He bent down and picked it up, wiping it on his jeans.

"He was offered $50,000 to take her to an abandoned cabin in the national forest," Owen said, wiping his hands on the rag Brandon handed him. "He wasn't expecting her to fight back. A blocked number sent him a text offering him a job. He went to a drop box and picked up a burner phone with instructions. He had been stalking her for months now and the person that hired him stalked her as well because they knew her personal and school schedule. The phone is in his bag. Take care of it Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Morgan, anything else you want to know you can find from the video. I'm done here."

Owen stormed out of the building without looking back. Raven's chuckles were the last thing he heard before the door shut, sending him into the cool darkness of the night. The cool air did not to lessen the raging fire burning through his veins.

The moment his foot crossed the threshold into the house the pain in his chest tightened as her sobs came from the floor above him. He hurried up the stairs and wiped his hands on his jeans before twisting the gray doorknob. "Dra...gon?" the tiny woman on his bed sniffled as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Red streaks stained her cheeks as her body shook from the sobs leaving her mouth.

"Oh my darling treasure, what's with the tears?" He asked as he sat beside her. He pushed her damn hair off her face and behind her ear.

Her lips quivered as she sniffled and wiped her eyes with the back of her hands. "Playing?"

"Yes," he nodded honestly. "I've been playing."

"Messy," she whimpered.

"Then how about we both get cleaned up?" He asked softly. "Does that seem good to you?" She shrugged so he gave her that special millimeter smile that he knew she cherished. "I'll even put in extra bubbles after we get cleaned up."

"Okay," she sniffled as she climbed into his lap and pressed her nose into his neck. "Ewww, body paint no smell good on Dragon."

"No?" He barely chuckled as she pulled back a little. She shook her head as he locked his fingers under her butt. "Then I must fix it immediately." He carried her into the bathroom and placed her on the counter before he pulled his now red and dark gray shirt over his head, dropping it in the hamper. He turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature to how she liked it. "Can I unwrap my darling treasure, please?" he asked even though the tone in his voice told her he wasn't really asking.

The shower was filled with comfortable silence as he washed both of them clean then rinsed them off before he left her in the hot water so he could start filling the clawed bathtub. Once it was where he wanted it, he turned off the water and walked back over to her. She turned off the shower and smiled softly seeing the tub filled with bubbles and the scent of flowers and Irish Spring. He held her hand as she stepped into the bubbles and let out a small giggle. Once he was sure she was sitting comfortably he got in behind her and smiled when she leaned back against him then wrapped his arms around her chest. They just sat there enjoying each other's silence for well, he wasn't sure how long but it didn't matter to him. If the water turned cold he would just drain it and refill it until she was ready to get out.

"Dragon?" she asked meekly after some time. "Is Owen okay?"


"Okay," she played with the bubbles for a few minutes then asked, "Dragon?"

"Yes, my darling treasure?" he tightened his hold on her slightly.

"Did you make him cry?"

"Very much so."


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