Chapter 21

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"Are you sure that the feed is looping?" Luke asked as he took the knife from Raven and slid it into his waistband.

"Yeah, I'm just pissed I didn't catch it sooner," Corey fumed as he worked furiously on his laptop.

"I am too but we caught it," Victor nodded, "that's what we need to focus on now."

Corey mumbled under his breath as he swatted Raven's hand away from his face, "Not now Raven."

"Drink," Raven demanded as he gripped Corey's jaw and forced him to look away from his computer. "Nyet save Kitten if nyet at best. Drink water now, Victor drink now too."

Corey glared but sighed and nodded, knowing that Raven was right. The team was depending on him and Victor to figure out who had their girl. He took a drink then after throwing another glare at Raven who just smirked, he went back to backtracking where the virus was coming from.

"Raven," Axel said as he wrapped the hair tie around his braid. "You can't kill them straight away, we need to get information from whoever this is first."

"Da," Raven nodded as he ran his finger over one of his knives, "but I kill them."

"As long as it is after we get what we need no one will stop you," Owen said as he finished pulling his dark gray tee shirt over his six pack.

"Here," Sean said as he tossed him eye drops then his container for his contacts. "Kota, grab my second bag from upstairs please."

"Already have it right here, Doc," Kota said as he came down the stairs with said bag in his hand.

"Just make sure you bring her home," Uncle said as he patted Max's head. "Dr. Roberts and Erica are on standby for when you find our girl."

"Got it!" Corey shouted as he quickly stood making his chair fall back.

"Oh shit!" Victor groaned as he went back and forth from his laptop and Corey's. "Fucking hell."

"What?" multiple voices asked at once.

Owen walked over to the computers then the group watched as his whole demeanor shifted. There was a chill in the air that wasn't there seconds ago. "Yevgeny Ravenstahl, I forbid you from killing anyone tonight. Axel, you, and I are going to have some fun before anyone meets the reaper."

"Da?" Raven asked as his eyes widened. In all the years they have known each other Owen had never stopped him from killing anyone. The look in Owen's eyes made him force back a growl before he nodded. "Da."

Owen turned back to the computer experts, "Make sure you gather enough information that this can't be debated on any circumstance or technicality. I don't want any loose ends of any kind. Follow every single trail to the very end, no matter how pointless it may seem. I want everything."

"You got it," Victor nodded. "Just bring her home."

Axel walked over to the computers and froze. His eyes widened before he nodded, "Gabriel, you need to stay here. Fix Brooke's rooms downstairs and make them as soft and soothing as you can. Go fucking wild, I don't care. Shop to your heart's desire, it doesn't matter the cost. She's going to need you to work your magic."

"Oy what the fuck?" Gabe asked as Victor held out his black card. For once in his life, Gabe didn't want to take it. "What the fuck is going on?"

Corey hit a couple of buttons on his laptop and the TV in the room switched to both laptops. Multiple curses filled the room as everyone saw that the window that showed the tracking on Brooke's phone that wasn't from them was traced back to Barbara. Another window showed the feed from their place was traced back to Angelica. Yet another window showed the information that both girls were sisters and the daughters of the dean of the university where Brooke used to be enrolled in.

"What's that?" Nathan asked as he pointed to another window.

"Looks like transactions," Kota said as he stood and walked toward the TV. "Transactions from the dean's cards to someone." He trailed off as his mind began to spin. "They are using the dean's cards to pay someone for what's happened to Brookey. This one right here," he pointed to a line on the screen, "is the same day that Brookey was attacked at the gas station." He pointed to another line, "this is from last week and it's half and if you add it up the other is from earlier. It's safe to assume that the dean is aware of what his daughters are doing."

"Fucking asshole," Gabe fumed as he clenched his teeth.

"Where did that transaction go?" Marc asked as he looked at what seemed like random numbers but he knew they would most likely be linked to a bank account.

"It's tracing now but it looks like it goes to a bank in Texas," Victor said as he watched his app running.

"Texas?" Luke and North said at the same time.

"Yes," Victor nodded, "But I haven't been able to narrow it down any further yet."

"No need," North said through clenched teeth. "All this is because of Baby Girl. We know exactly who it belongs to."


Luke turned to the group, "You damn well know who!" He flung his hands up in the air before dropping them. "Who the hell did we rescue her from when we were in Texas?"

"Oh shit," the group moaned as their memory came rushing back. "Her stepfather."

"We need go now," Raven growled. "Where Kitten?"

Just then Corey's laptop started beeping and a target symbol appeared on the TV screen. "The looped feed is being watched in a hunting cabin in these woods. I'm having the location sent to your phones now," he said as he typed away on his computer.

Seconds later their phones pinged making Uncle stand from the chair he was sitting in with Max by his side. "I've got the boys here, go," Uncle said as he looked at the group that was about to storm out the door. "Go and bring our girl back home."

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