Chapter 31

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"NO!" Brooke shouted as she found herself in darkness. "No!"

"Shhh Carebear," a warm voice filtered through her screams as comforting arms wrapped around her despite her fighting and thrashing. "Shhhh Carebear, I have you. You're safe, Daddy has you. Feel Carebear, feel." She stopped moving but the tears kept pouring as she fought to breathe.

She gasped as her hands were moved to cup a face. The scruffiness against her fingertips filtered through the panic as her hands were moved up and down on the face. Her face was pulled closer and placed in the crook of a neck as her shaking body was moved into a lap.

The scent of fresh cut wood pierced through her senses along with a faint hint of blood as she inhaled while her fingers kept rubbing stubble. Fingers kept stroking through her tangled hair while shushing noises kept coming from the throat she was pressed against.

"Daddy," she whimpered as she felt her body start to relax. "Daddy."

"That's right, Carebear," Hades whispered as he kept stroking her hair. "Daddy has you. You're safe."

"Touch," she pouted as she pulled back to look into his dark eyes. "No touch," she shook her head as she pulled on the shirt she was wearing. "Off touch, Daddy, off."

"Okay Carebear," he nodded as he shifted her to hold her better. "But first we have to have Daddy Sean put new boo boo bandages on that will be okay to get wet and Daddy Gabey will have to come help get you cleaned up and fix your hair all pretty again. Okay?"

"Otay Daddy," she whimpered. "Hurt."

"I know Carebear," he sighed as he carefully slipped off the bed. "But Daddy Sean will give you some medicine to help make the pain go away."

"Daddies?" she whispered as he carried her down the hall.

"Yes," he said calmly, "they are all your daddies just like me and Styxx."

She pulled back to look up at him, "Daddy North, Dada Lukey okay?"

"Yes Carebear," Hades nodded, "they are okay with them being your daddies too. They wanted to tell them sooner but you and we weren't ready to share this part of you yet." He looked down and kissed her forehead, "but we're okay now, promise. No need to worry Carebear, daddies will take care of you."

"Hey Carebear, what are you doing up?" Dragon asked as he watched Hades carry her into the living room. "You should still be sleeping."

"She had a nightmare," Hades explained as he rubbed her back. "She wants to wash off the touch. Doc Sean needs to change her bandages and give her some pain medicine. Gabriel will wash the touch off of her while I hold her."

"Dada help," she pouted.

"Of course I will, Carebear," Styxx smirked. "Juicey?"

He held out a cup with a straw and she smiled before taking a sip, "Fank you," she said as she felt her head fall back onto North's shoulder. "Papochka Bear, Papa Dragon poteck."

"Course," Bear and Dragon nodded at the same time.

"Papochka is Russian for Daddy," Corey whispered to the group.

"Alright Little One," Sean said as he stood, "let's get you all ready for a bath."

"Shower," Gabe shook his head. "It won't be good for her to be sitting in that water, she needs a shower and then she can have a bubble bath afterwards."

"Bubbos," her eyes lit up at the mention of a bubble bath.

"After we take a shower," Hades nodded. "We don't want to sit in yucky water, now do we?" She shook her head and he smiled, "Alright, then let's let Daddy Gabey wash us up and then you can take a bubbo bath with Dada Styxx, okay?"

"No Daddy," she shook her head, "Yous Daddy. Um..." she bit her lower lip as she thought.

"Papa is French for Daddy," Gabe smiled, "but since you already call Dragon Owen Papa, what about Père? It's French for Father and I speak French."

"Père?" she asked as if she were unsure.

"Parfaite," Gabe beamed as he kissed his fingertips then released it up into the air. "Perfect, Little One."

"Père Gabey," She smiled.

"Alright, time to get cleaned up," Hades nodded as he followed Gabe and Sean into the hallway with Styxx, Dragon, and Bear following right behind him.

"Now will be the perfect time to get that stuff set up," Silas said as he listened to them walk away. "Was Gabe able to find everything?"

"No," Victor shook his head, "but I'm sure what he did find will work for now."

"Let's get it ready for when she is all cleaned up," Kota nodded as he stood. "It might be able to help her sleep better now."

"Keep your eyes on me, Little Carebear," Hades said as he held Brooke in his lap while Sean replaced the last of the bandages. "You are doing so well."

"We are very proud of you," Dragon nodded. He bent down and kissed her forehead then rewarded her with a soft smile. "Our good girl."

"Alright, there we go," Sean said as he removed his gloves. "Now you are ready for your shower. Here is your medicine and some crackers so you don't take it on an empty stomach. Luke, I mean Styxx, will have some yummy candy after you eat this. Enjoy your shower and bubble bath, Little One."

"Give," Bear growled as he held his hands out. Hades huffed in annoyance but then passed her over to Raven/Bear so he could carry her to the bathroom where Gabe was already starting the shower. Once he placed her on the counter where Luke/Styxx was waiting to hold her since she was still a little unsteady, he walked back outside the room and stood in the doorway with Dragon so she would feel protected.

"Alright Carebear," Hades said as he stood in front of her. "Keep your eyes on me."

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