Chapter 34

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Memories of when the guys first showed her the hidden room started to fill her mind as she took another drink. She thought it was so cool when they purchased the old plantation house that used to hide runaway slaves as they made their way to freedom and forced Gabe to promise to never close it up when she saw it. It was one of her favorite hiding spots when she was working on her ninja skills with Luke but she forced herself to rarely use it so it wouldn't become a spot he would check first when looking for her. Based on the cobwebs, it looked like they hadn't touched it in ages. A sneeze made her groan as pain flared through her before she hid her face in a pillow, not that it helped since it made her sneeze again. She held her breath as she waited to hear if anyone heard her.

Not hearing anything she decided to take the pillows and blanket out of the room and dust them off so she would be more comfy. She went to the garage and patted the pillows and shook the blanket near the tool boxes since it wouldn't look out of place and tossed them back in the room before heading to her room and grabbed the pain relief bottle that she spotted earlier. Maybe it would help a little. She grabbed some candy from one of Luke's stashes and went back to her hidden room. Once she got everything how she wanted it, she turned on the battery-operated lamp and took another drink from the bottle before taking a few pills and washing the taste away with some M&Ms. Her bandage on her arm was starting to itch so she closed her eyes and yanked it off. Once the pain of taking it off went away she saw the stitches and sighed. There it can breathe again. Docy did say boo boos needed to breathe to air so why did he even cover it up in the first place? Stupid idea, silly Docy. She felt around for the one on her hip and pulled it off too. Any more she felt she removed, not wanting to deal with the itching anymore.

As she read she drank some more and frowned after a couple of pages when her pain started to come back. I must have forgotten to take my medicine. I swear I would lose my head if it wasn't attached to my body she thought as she took some pills. Why does Yvegeny not let me drink this stuff? It's really yummy. She giggled as she took another drink. She shifted to get more comfortable and frowned when her arm hit something. She looked around but didn't see anything so maybe it was just how she moved. Mentally shrugging it off, she realized that the lid to her pain medicine was open. Oh shit, did I take my medicine or was I too lost in my story that I forgot? Must have forgotten since my ribs are hurting. I'll take it now and put the lid on so I don't forget again. She popped some pills into her mouth and washed them down with a gulp from the vodka, relishing in the slight burn down her throat, before masking it with some chocolate from Luke's bag of candy.

Her body began to feel light and warm as she basked in the freeing feeling. She felt so relaxed she sunk further into the pile of pillows. She continued to read her book and take a swig from the vodka till she couldn't fully concentrate on the story. She was so relaxed she felt she could take a nice long nap without the nightmares disturbing her. Pulling the blanket further on her body as she felt a cold chill from within she cuddled into a ball before falling asleep with the book dropping from her hand.


Charon ignored the long wails coming from the spirits calling out to him. He didn't want to be doing this right now. He wanted to go back to their prisoner and release some more anger out on him, but duty called. Stepping closer to the bow of his boat he barely glanced at the group of spirits standing on the shore waiting for him. More souls for him to ferry across the river, he sighed, hopefully this wouldn't take very long. He had other priorities right now. Normally, he would enjoy this part of him but it just wasn't in him tonight. Closing his eyes for a moment to gather the reassurance he would need for some spirits, he took a deep breath and slowly let it out, despite the fact he didn't even need to breathe, he still did it since his one love breathed, guess it was now just habit as a way to match her.


Yanking his eyes open he froze. "No," his breath rushed out of him.

Hades! Foras! Koschei!

What? We're busy! they sent back through their mind-link.

Look NOW! Charon shouted as he opened his eyes.


"NO!" North, Rave, Luke, and Owen shouted as they took off toward the house, startling everyone. "BROOKE!"

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