Chapter 28

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Erica opened the truck door and sighed, "Oh my sweet girl."

"Nana," Brooke whined as Nathan helped her move her head up to see her.

"Is that Luke's shirt?" Erica asked, seeing the baby blue shirt swallowing Brooke.

"It's um...Styxx?" Nathan kind of answered.

Dr. Roberts tensed then nodded. Oh, so he knew about them as well. "Alright then," Dr. Roberts nodded. "Erica, do what you need and I'll sign off. Boys, follow her. Safe to assume the rest are on their way?"

"Uncle is bringing Kota, Gabe, Vic, and Corey," Brandon nodded. "The...others will be here shortly. They had to make sure our...guests were properly taken care of."

"Gotcha'," Dr. Roberts nodded as he took in everyone's appearances. "Bag your things to be on the safe side. Knowing Gabriel, he will be bringing you clean clothes with him."

"Yes Sir," the group mumbled as they followed the doctor and nurse through the back entrance way to avoid as many people as possible. It didn't matter that this hospital was for the Academy, this was personal and they didn't want to be disturbed.

"San...ta," Brooke whimpered as she watched Dr. Roberts.

"Hi, Sweet Girl," Dr. Roberts said as Erica opened the door to Sean's office. Nathan carried her inside and then walked into the examination room that was attached to the office. He sat on the exam table and placed a soft kiss on her head. A whimper left her lips as tears streamed down her face. "Are you still stuck inside?"

"One blink is yes, two is no," Nathan explained as he turned her to face the doctor. He placed his hand on her forehead to keep her head up as he wrapped his other arm around her stomach to help her lean against him. "He injected her with some sort of clear liquid, North I mean Hades I guess said."

"We'll run every test and hook her up to an IV to flush her system," Erica said as she wiped Brooke's tears with a tissue. "Alright, Dear, I know you don't like this but it's for your own good. I'm going to have Natey lay you down so I can run some tests. Once I'm done then Natey can come back in, okay?"

Brooke blinked once and Nathan forced himself to lay her down and walk out of the room. He really wanted to punch something right now but he knew it wouldn't do any good, besides it would just give Sean yet another thing he would have to take care of. He knew Sean's mind was already spinning so it wouldn't do him any good to load another thing onto Sean's plate.

"Nathan?" Victor asked as Nathan entered Sean's office.

"Momma is running tests," Nathan growled as he plopped down on the sofa next to Victor.

"Can anyone explain the severity of the issue? Where are Owen, Raven, North, and Luke?" Uncle asked as he walked into the room with Kota, Gabe, and Max right beside him.

"They are finishing up disposing of the trash in a secure location. Although, they aren't exactly themselves," Axel said as he rubbed a hand down his face. "As for the severity, I believe it would be best to wait till everyone gets here. I don't feel like going over the details twice without losing my own sanity."

"They are still present aren't they?" Uncle questioned with a knowing look as he took a seat.

"Yes," Silas nodded, "in a way."


The guys turned to find that Max had opened the door that led to Erica and Brooke and Max was now on the exam table lying beside Brooke licking her face, making her giggle.

"I'm stealing Max for the remainder of my tests, just so you know, Dakota," Erica chuckled before she shut the door, sealing them away from the men again.

"As if I had a choice," Kota shook his head.

Uncle's eyes widened as he took in the higher pitch of Brooke's voice. Whipping his head around to see if anyone else noticed he saw Axel and Brandon staring at him with knowing looks. "Is she?" Uncle questioned without giving away his thoughts.

"Yes, Luke gave a quick disclosure yet I believe there needs to be a talk once they return," Axel nodded as he walked over and sat next to Uncle.

"Shit, look, nothing was meant to be hidden," Uncle started before Sean's office door was thrown open and a dark aura filled the room. Owen, North, Luke, and Raven entered the room with a bloodthirst aura surrounding them.

"Where is she?" Owen growled out as he pinned Axel with his black soulless eyes. North and Luke, not bothering to stop, walked over to the exam room doors and pushed them open.

"Daddy!" Brooke beamed, "Dada! Maxie!"

"I see," Luke/Styxx nodded as he walked over to her. "How are you feeling?"

"Nana give me boo-boos but feely goodie," she smiled into his chest as he cupped her face. "Sill stucky though Nana say better soons."

"She is starting to get feeling back in her fingers and toes," Erica explained. "By tomorrow she should have regained control of her body."

"Good," North/Hades growled as he stormed over to her. "Carebear." He pressed his forehead to hers and deeply inhaled the air surrounding her.

"Daddy Hades," she murmured as North took her hands and wrapped them around his neck for her. "Daddy Northy okay?"

"Yes Carebear," he whispered. "Daddy Northy and Dada Lukey are okay, promise."

"Mmm, good. Me miss chu Hades, Styxx!" Brooke said with glee.

"We missed you, Carebear. We here now, we keep you safe," Styxx/Luke said as he combed the loose hair out of her face for her.

"What about me?" Dragon asked as he too entered the room.

Her eyes lit up as North took a step back and turned her head so she could see him, "Dragon!"

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