Chapter 8

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"Would you like to discuss what happened earlier?" Owen asked as he sat Brooke's plate in front of her.

"What happened?" Raven asked as everyone looked over at Brooke.

"My freaking computer decided that it hated me," she grumbled as she sighed then smiled, "but Neo, Bam Bam and Northy saved the day."

"How so?" Axel asked curiously.

"You know my final project I spent all day on?" they nodded, "well it decided to freaking disappear from my computer and I panicked. I tried calling Dean to see if he had the same problem, but he decided to just be an ass and tell me to redo everything. All eight pages AND the power point!"

"Some friend," Gabe frowned.

"Yeah, he's an ass right now," she pouted, "I'm mad at him. Anyway, Bam Bam told me to just let Neo work his magic and he and Northy took me for a ride. I guess I really needed it because I felt so much better afterward. I know they did it so I wasn't panicking and hovering over Neo stressing him out."

"That wasn't the only reason, Pebbles," Brandon chuckled. "You needed to get out of the house for bit and just get away."

"You know sometimes I hate how you know me better than I know myself, but this isn't one of those times," she said getting up and hugging him from behind. She kissed his cheek then did the same with North and Corey before sitting back down. "Anyway, when we got back Neo had worked his magick and got almost all my work back. I only have a few things left to do after dinner, but I should be able to finish it before the deadline tonight thanks to Neo."

"I'm glad I can help, Sweetheart," Corey smiled softly at her.

"Corey was here all day, why didn't you just have him help you instead of calling Dean?" Kota asked curiously.

She shrugged, "I panicked, I don't know. I guess since Dean is in my class, I just called him to see if he had the same problem. Plus, I guess I'm just used to you not being here and having to rely on myself still or someone from my classes. Logically, I know you are here right now, but I'm so used to you not being here. I don't have that mentality of Corey and Victor helping me with computers when I panic. I go to trying to figure it out myself or having someone from class help me because they are there and will know what I'm going through possibly. I guess I just don't have the automatic safety of knowing if something happens, I can just call Corey and Victor because there's no guarantee how long you will be here before you leave again." She sighed and tossed her fork down, "and now I sound like a bitch. Sorry, I'm no longer hungry, I'm just going to my place."

She stood, pushing her chair back but Owen sat his fork down and stared at her, "Sit back down Miss Reed, we aren't done talking."

"Yeah, we are," she shook her head.

Owen rested his elbows on the table as he continued to stare at her, "I said sit down Brooke, do not make me repeat myself."

She froze as her eyes widened hearing her name leave his mouth. "Excuse me?"

He raised an eyebrow and tapped his pointer finger as he continued watching her. Her breath hitched as she sat back down while her heart raced so loudly, she was pretty sure everyone could hear it. "Good girl," he said as he picked his fork back up.

"Hey!" she protested as her brain finally registered what he did and spoke. "You can't use your Dom voice on me!" She stood back up and stormed out of the room.

"Brooke," Silas called out as he tried to follow her. "Please wait."

"I asked you to never use that on me and he did anyway, no," she grabbed her laptop and slid it into her bag. "I need to...I don't know but I can't be here right now Si."

"He was only trying to get you to sit back down so we can finish talking," he said walking over to her. "You know we hate hearing you put yourself down. You did nothing wrong, Angelos Mou. You spoke the truth and explained to us how you were thinking. That's all we wanted and then you tried to backpedal and started to put yourself down because you didn't want to hurt our feelings. We don't want you doing that, and you know that, Angelos Mou." He gently pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "We can't have a proper discussion if you tell us the truth then leave, now can we? You are right, we do leave a lot, so you've had to become independent. We are so used to you relying on us as soon as we are home that it just shocked us when you didn't and we were trying to understand why you didn't, that's all. Mr. B just wanted to make sure you didn't leave, Brooke. I know we said we wouldn't use it on you, but sometimes it just happens when it comes to caring for you. I promise we will try not to use it again. Please, stay? What if you need help on your laptop again?"

She glared and sighed in annoyance, "Damn you Si. But I'm not eating right now and I'm staying in your room," she pointed at him. "Once I'm done with my work, I'm going home."

"Yes Ma'am," he nodded as he hugged her, "I'll bring your plate to my room for just in case you do get hungry you don't have to leave."

Silas watched her walk to his room, and he sighed shaking his head before he went back to the dining room. He picked up her plate and cup then headed to his room, knowing that everyone heard what he told her. He sat the plate and cup on his desk then kissed the top of her head smirking when he saw she had slipped on his hoodie. She smiled softly at him before going back to typing as he left the room.

The rest of the meal was done in silence and when Silas went to see if she had eaten, he found his room empty. He sighed, spotting his window open. Shutting it, he gathered the still full plate and cup and took them to the kitchen.

"She didn't eat?" North asked. "Take it back to her."

"She's not here," Silas shook his head. "She went to her place via my window."

"Called it," Luke said holding his hand out while Gabe muttered under his breath before putting some bills in his hand. "Now who wants to bet how long she tries to ignore us?"

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