Chapter 29

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"Hello, Darling. How are you feeling now?" Dragon asked as he sat on the edge of the bed, lightly gripping her hand in his as he rubbed his thumb.

"I's no feels good. But Nana helps boo-boos. Me no moves," Brooke pouted as she wiggled her fingertips in his hold.

"I'm sorry we weren't there sooner to rescue you, Darling," Dragon said as he watched her trying to move yet her limbs weren't listening to her.

"You der, you alls get bad man. Badman ago levels?" she tried to reassure him yet couldn't help but think of the bad man. Her brain couldn't place how she knew the man. Only that he tormented and abused her. "Styxx and Hades and Bears helps?"

"Yes, Carebear, we helped your Dragon put the bad man in the levels. You don't have to worry about him ever coming near you again. Now, Momma are you done examining Carebear, or do you need to finish anything?" Styxx questioned as he noticed Momma Erica had finished entering information into the tablet after getting a few tubes of blood while they had successfully distracted Brooke.

"I only have one more exam to do and it is up to Brooke if you remain here or wait with the others," Momma Erica said as she wheeled over a tray with different instruments.

"What test?" Hades asked as he lurked around the room feeling restless. He couldn't help his Carebear at the moment nor deal with the cockroach as Styxx had put it.

"I need to finish doing a rape kit on her. I suggest someone stay to help keep her mind off it. The drug is still heavily in her system so she will react in a way that goes against how she truly feels," Momma Erica explained.

Dragon, Styxx, and Hades all froze momentarily as they understood what Momma Erica was trying to convey. Hades and Dragon couldn't help the possessive growls that left their chests. Styxx's aura had darkened further to the point black wisps were lashing out of his shadow. They only calmed down when a whimper escaped from Brooke's lips.

"Dada? Daddy? Papa? I scawed," Brooke whimpered as she couldn't move to seek comfort. She couldn't do anything to help her daddies feel better.

"Shh, there is nothing to fear when daddies are here little one," Hades cooed as he sat on the other side of her and turned her head toward him.

"That's right, we will always keep you safe Darling. Now, I know that your other daddies are terribly worried about you. How about we stay while Momma Erica finishes performing the tests and then you can see everyone else? We need to talk about decorating a certain playroom to how a special little girl likes and wants," Dragon also cooed as he side-glanced Hades before turning Brooke's head back to face him.

Brooke made a little gasping sound at the thought of a playroom just for her. "Yes! Papa, me's bes good and yous all stays. Buh, me scawed," Brooke said with a little light returning to her brown eyes before darkening again. With that momentary light, there was a floral smell that emitted from her.

"Oh, my sweet little Carebear, there is nothing to be afraid of. Your daddy and papa are going to be right here while Momma Erica finishes the tests and I go and talk with your other daddies about what is going on. Then we will have you moved to Daddy Sean's office room to rest," Styxx said as he went next to Dragon and rubbed her head. His soulless black eyes peered into her brown eyes. For a moment it looked like there was a green flash in her eyes as if something were trying to awaken in her. 'Hmm, I wonder if shes's waking up also?' Styxx wondered though he kept it to himself.

"Otay Dada," Brooke said as she smiled up to him as he bent forward and kissed her forehead.

"That's a good girl," Styxx murmured before standing upright and leaving the exam room.

Entering Sean's office, he saw the team was all in anxious states waiting to hear the results. "She only has one more test to do then she will be brought into here. Until then, if there are any questions you might have, I'll answer them as best as I can but just know I'm not like Lucian."

"We understand," Axel nodded. "Can you tell us why she has never slipped around us before?"

"Yeah," Gabe nodded while still trying to comprehend that this was his best friend and lover. It was unnerving and yet it was still him. He could see this happening to North and Raven and somewhat Owen but Luke? It was just odd. "We've been hers for a fucking decade!"

"Lower your voice NOW!" Styxx demanded so sternly that Gabe actually had to take a step back.

"Sorry," he instantly apologized. "Damn Luke."

"Styxx," he corrected.

"Sorry, Styxx," Gabe gulped.

Styxx nodded and Gabe let out a sigh of relief as the overpowering feeling of wanting to fall to his knees dissipated and he could breathe better. "Now, as for your question," Styxx cleared his throat, "Carebear does not slip by her own choice nor does she remember or will remember."

"So she involuntarily slips?" Brandon questioned as he looked at Luke warily or he should say Styxx.

"Yes, it is involuntary when she experiences something traumatic or in her terms world-shattering," Styxx nodded as he felt the unease of his brethren.

"When was the last time this happened?" Marc questioned next. "I mean before the first kidnapping where she clung to Owen...I mean Dragon. Before that."

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