Chapter 35

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The men's bodies shook as Charon, Koschei, Hades, and Foras took over while they burst through the door. Hades grabbed Charon until there was barely any space between them. "Go back and do NOT let her try and cross. Do whatever the fuck you have to to get her to come back to us. Do you hear me? Go back now and stop her! Find out what the fuck happened!" He shoved Charon and let out a loud roar as his eyes swept the room. "FUCK!"

"What the fuck is going on?" Gabe asked as he started to panic.

"Charon saw Brooke on the shores," Foras said as he took off for the stairs leading to the bedrooms. "She's not in her room! Find her now!"


Brooke turned as she heard the crunching of footsteps on the shore. A smile graced her lips, "Styxx."

"Brooke," his voice cracked as he bypassed the other souls and cupped her cheek. If she didn't know any better she would have thought there were tears in his eyes but that wasn't possible, demons don't cry. "What are you doing here, Love? You don't belong here."

"It's okay," she whispered as her hand covered his. "I'm ready."

"But you aren't," he shook his head. "You're still attached to your body. You aren't a complete spirit yet. You can go back. You need to go back. Come back with me."

She shook her head, "No."

"Why not?" he frowned. She went to drop her hand but he quickly pulled it to his chest. "I refuse to cross you over, Love."

"So you'll damn me to Purgatory?" She raised an eyebrow.

His eyes squinted, "You know I'll never do that."

"Then let me cross." She said too calmly for his liking. There should be confusion and regret and fear but there was nothing but calm and peace in her eyes. This wasn't right at all.

"No," he growled. "I won't lose you. I refuse to keep you here for all eternity. I'm selfish, Little Love, but I'm not that damn selfish. None of us are." She opened her mouth to protest but in a shocking twist to her, he bent down and swooped her up into his arms bridal style. He hated that he could only partially feel her in his arms but at the same time, his mind was screaming that it was a good thing because that meant she wasn't fully crossed over yet. He just had to keep focusing on that. "You try and get out of my arms and I'll toss you over my shoulder and swat that ass. Now be still."

Brooke pouted up at him before sighing and leaning her head against his broad chest. 'It's not like I chose for this to happen. I just wanted to forget,' Brooke thought as she fiddled with her fingers. What she didn't expect was that Styxx was able to hear her. In this domain, she was able to access her hidden powers more and had a mental connection with them.

'Hmm, looks like there is more to this than just suicide. Once I get her comfortable at the castle, I will have her explain so we can save her life. Hopefully, Foras, Hades, and Koschei will be able to figure out what the fuck is going on with our queen.'

He storms up to the castle and just barely freezes upon seeing another of the group already in the castle. "Curupira," he barely grunted as he walked past him.

"Charon, what is going on?" He asked as he spotted Brooke in Charon's arms. "Brooke?" his eyes widened as he took in her partially faint spirit and zoned out eyes. It was like she was a diminishing shell of herself. "What the fuck?"

"Not now," Charon demanded. "Need to save her." He headed toward their main hang-out room and Curupira quickly opened the door. "Little Love, Woods is here. Do you want to tell him what happened?" She just continued to stare past them into nothingness so Styxx sighed and gently sat her on the couch. He motioned over with his chin so Curupira walked a bit away as Charon pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not exactly sure what happened. I went to go do my job and she was there. I refuse to cross her despite her saying she was okay with it but her mindlink is making me think it wasn't suicide but an accident. You are one of the best with your hunting and locating skills. You need to go through and help the others find her before she completes the transition."

"Tell me it isn't true!" The pair turn to see Cerberus burst into the room. His eyes fell on Brooke and he rushed to kneel in front of her. "Brooke," his voice broke as he carefully turned her empty eyes to him. "No, Brooke, no."

"It wasn't intentional," both demons said at the same time.

"Then send her back, Charon!" He shouted as his stomach dropped at the fact she didn't even flinch or move at his sudden shout.

"I can't," he shook his head. "I don't have that ability. As it is I'm fighting her transition and the call of Purgatory for me doing so."

"You are NOT sending her there!" Cerberus shouted as he stormed over to them.

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