Chapter 12

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"Easy," Raven said as he put one of his guns in his holster, "I kill him. I professional Russian."

"You can't kill him, Raven," Corey rolled his eyes. "If you kill him, then how will you get any information about who he is and why he did this to your precious kitten. Obviously someone hired him to do it, so if you want to find out who is really behind this, you can't kill him."

"Yet," North said through clenched teeth.

"Alright," Uncle said rubbing his temples, "why don't you just go home and get her into a comfortable bed and make sure that asshole is good for the night and we reconvene tomorrow with a clear head?"

"Fine," Raven growled as he shoved a knife into his pocket. "Time think punishments..."

"Oh fuck," Gabe mumbled as he followed Silas out of the room while making sure the hoodie that was covering Brooke didn't fall off her.

The ride back to the mansion was filled with silence, each one trying to figure out what to do next. There was just so much that needed to be done, and that they wanted to do, but they also knew that they were going on ranging emotions too so they weren't thinking clearly. It was funny to them how they were normally cool, collected, emotionless men, but when it came to this tiny woman, they were ready to burn the world down for her spilling even one teardrop. The way this woman had control over them and didn't even realize it, which didn't really surprise them and yet it did at the same time. They knew she didn't understand her position in their family and they were okay with it, but from everyone's looks, they also knew this may be the very tipping point to push them.

Brooke started to move next to Silas so he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her as close to him as he could with her still wearing her seat belt. She whimpered so he kissed the top of her head while Nathan pulled Brandon's hoodie up around her some more. She sighed softly as she slipped back into a deep sleep.

When they got to the house Gabe rushed ahead of everyone so he could get her bed ready for her. He quickly pulled her comforter back and Silas gently laid her down. Gabe removed her shoes and socks.

"What about her clothes?" Gabe asked nervously. "You know she fucking hates wearing normal fucking clothes to bed. Plus they are fucking filthy now."

"Go get her one of our shirts and some basketball shorts," Sean whispered as he helped Silas sit her back up. "Brookey Pookie, I need you to wake up."

"No," she whined, "no wakey Dr. Sean."

"If you don't wake up a little more then I will have to undress you and you won't get to wear Owen's shirt to bed," he teased.

"Dragon's tee shirt?" she asked hopefully as she opened her eyes.

"Yes," Owen nodded, letting slip that millimeter smile of his. "But you have to wake up and change clothes or let Dr. Green and Mr. Coleman help you then you can go back to sleep."

"Owwww," She whined as she went to slide out of the bed. "No hurt."

"Okay Brookey," Sean said as he knelt in front of her. "We will help you." North made everyone leave the room and wait outside as Gabe rushed back into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"No like," she whined as they worked together to change her as pain free as possible. "Hate."

"I know," Sean nodded as he checked her bandages and the bruises along her ribs as well. "It's too soon for me to give you more medicine but if you don't want to go back to bed right now, I can see if Lucian will give you some of his chocolate."

"Care Bears?" She asked, sniffling as Gabe pulled the bottom of Owen's shirt down, covering her stomach while Sean was busy putting some new ointment on the scrap from the road on her knee before applying a new bandage.

"Of fucking course," Gabe smiled before he started braiding her hair from the neck down instead of the usual french braid he did for her. "I'll even tell North to order some pizzas for us."

"Fank you," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around Sean's neck and locked her ankles around his back.

"Of course Pookie," Sean whispered as he held a loose grip on her bottom while Gabe opened the door to neither of their surprise on finding the remaining twelve men standing in the hallway.

"North, order some pizza, Trouble is getting hungry," Gabe said winking at Brooke who was peeking at North over Sean's shoulder. "Luke, do you have fucking have something that Trouble likes?"

North forced himself to not roll his eyes as he muttered under his breath yet still pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"I'm offended you even have to ask that, Man," Luke said dramatically while putting his hand over his chest, "like seriously how dare you even think I wouldn't. Do you even know me at all?"

Brooke giggled while North finally gave in and rolled his eyes, flicking Luke's ear before turning his back to the group and speaking to the person on the other end of the phone conversation.

"Corey, will you set up Care Bears in the media room for us, please?" Sean asked as Marc suddenly reappeared with a rainbow colored marbled tumbler with a rainbow gradient metal straw sticking out of it. "Drink your apple juice, Brookey."

She smiled and took a sip, "Fank you."

"You're welcome, Little One."

Sean carried her into the media room and after Sean got comfortable holding her, Luke plopped down beside them. He unwrapped a Rollo for her then pulled out from beside him a brand new rainbow squishmellow bear that had white hearts all over it.

She squealed in excitement and hugged it tightly before leaning over to plant a kiss on Luke's cheek. "I love it," she smiled as she gave Sean a kiss on the cheek then made grabby hands even though it hurt her. The rest of the group chuckled before coming over so she could give each of them a kiss on the cheek as well.

Owen crouched down before her and she slightly tilted her head as she looked at him, "Dragon come out play?" She asked as she played with the rainbow squishmellow bear's ears.

Owen nodded before giving her that millimeter smile of his, "Yes Little One, the dragon is going to come out to play for a bit."

Her face lit up as she beamed. She kissed his cheek and hugged him, "Okay."

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