Chapter 5

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The weekend turned into a week which turned into a month and before she realized it, she had been living with the guys for a few months now. She still had her place, but it had somehow turned into another studio for her to work on her things when she had the time. She really didn't mind, she loved living with the guys, it felt so much more like home to her. But she still didn't truly allow herself to completely move in because she knew eventually, they would leave again, and it would be way too quiet and large for her to stay in by herself. She was just waiting for the day to happen; it always did after all.

The bell rang, snapping her out of her thoughts, so she shut her notebook and slid it into her bag along with her laptop before zipping it up and standing. She went outside and smiled as the sun hit her face.

"You bitch!" a woman shouted as she shoved Brooke's shoulder.

"Excuse me?" Brooke asked, turning to see who had done that. "Oh great," she muttered under her breath when she saw who it was.

"Stay away from my Luke!" the blonde barbie wanna be glared.

"And stay away from my North or you will regret it," the goth girl sneered.

"Yeah," The blonde tried to glare but her Botox prevented it from happening. It just made her look constipated, Brooke thought. "They have us now so you can just disappear."

"Oh, you stupid naïve bitches," Brooke rolled her eyes. "You have no idea what you just did, do you?" She smirked arrogantly and crossed her arms over her chest while pushing her right hip out. She took in their confused faces and chuckled, "You just ruined ANY chance you had with the Taylor brothers."

"Bullshit," The goth girl sneered.

"Oh I beg to differ," Brooke chuckled. "See I know for a fact that both guys told you from the VERY get go that they do relationships, all it is with you and all it EVER will be is booty calls. See you come and go and yet I will ALWAYS be there FOREVER. See I'm family and you are nobody but someone to stick their dicks in when they want."

"That's where you're wrong," The blonde fumed. "We have their hearts."

Brooke burst out laughing, so much so that she doubled over and clutched her stomach. " dumb bitch!" she gasped laughing.

"Oh shit, what's going on?" Luke asked as the group approached.

"Lukey, she—" the blonde pouted as she touched Luke's chest.

"Don't EVER call him that," Brooke snapped standing up.

"Oh fuck," Gabe mumbled as Nathan took her bag from her shoulder and stepped back.

"But Lukey—"

"I said DO NOT call him that, you Barbie wanna be," Brooke fumed. "You don't have the right or the privilege to call him that."

"You don't get to tell us anything," The goth glared. "You are just a friend, we are their girlfriends."

Brooke raised an eyebrow and scoffed, "Just a friend?" She shook her head and smirked.

"And here it comes," North smirked while Raven chuckled.

"North?" The goth girl asked in disbelief.

"You don't get to talk anymore," Brooke fumed. "Just shut up and maybe you will learn something. Just maybe something will sink into those over processed scalps of yours. I'm not JUST a friend. I'm their family. I already educated you on your status but now I see that I have to use small simple words for you to understand. You are NOBODY, I am FAMILY. You are just someone they use for sexual release and I know that they have already told you that. These guys do NOT do relationships. They don't commit to NOBODIES. The only commitment they have is to one another and ME. You will come and go and I will still be in their life. That's the difference between me and you. You don't mean shit and yeah, I have something you will NEVER have. I have a part of their hearts and I didn't even have to sleep with them to earn it. That gives me the privilege and honor to have a say on who is in their life. That means all I have do is say something and you are gone."

"Bullshit," they said at the same time.

Brooke smirked, turned her back on the girls and smiled at the guys, "North, Luke, those girls aren't good enough for you, plus they said I'm not family and to stay away from you."

"We're done," Luke and North said at the same time as they stepped away from the girls.

"We told you that she is family," North glared, "She is important to us, if you don't want to respect her and her place in our lives, then we have nothing to do with you. Go away and lose our numbers."

"Seriously?" The goth gasped.

Brooke smirked smugly, "I told you, I will ALWAYS outrank you."

They watched as the girls stormed off and once they were out of earshot Raven and Gabe burst out laughing. "Sorry Baby Girl," North sighed as he hugged her.

"Yes, sorry Cupcake," Luke nodded as he hugged her from behind, sandwiching her in between them.

"Alright, alright," She chuckled as she let Nathan pull her free from them. "You wanna make it up to me? I want pizza and—"

"Dracula?" Corey chuckled as she climbed on Raven's back after Silas caught her tapping on Raven's shoulders so he picked her up so she could get on Raven easier.

"Yes please," she smiled as she wrapped her arms around Raven's neck. "Thanks Si," she said looking at Silas as Raven carefully stood.

"Anytime Angelos Mou," Silas nodded. "Besides this, how was your classes?"

"Long," she groaned. "Hence pizza and Dracula."

Owen pulled out his car keys, "family movie night it is then."

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