Chapter 2

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"You all look so much more..." she shook her head as she tried to find the right word, "I don't know...not necessarily grown up but I don't know...just different, I guess."

Owen was wearing his traditional dark grey suit with a lighter grey tie that almost matched his grey eyes. His black rimmed glasses were framing his eyes just right and his short brown hair was brushed out of his face making him seem more perfect than he used to look.

Sean's blonde hair was now down to his ears and his green eyes shown bright as he looked at her. He was wearing his usually white doctor coat over his favorite purple shirt and jeans.

North's black hair was cut in a kind of military style and his dark eyes were glued on her. She noticed he had more tattoos than when he left, and he was wearing the black lip ring she gave him before they left. He wore a black shirt and black jeans. He looked more muscular too.

Nathan's redish brown hair was shorter than when they left, and his blue eyes sparkled as he winked at her. That smirk on his lips told her that he learned some more martial arts that he was just waiting to show her. He was wearing a red shirt and dark blue jeans.

Silas was more muscular as well and his almost black hair was cut in the same style as North's. His dark brown eyes matched hers, but she noticed his olive complexion seemed darker, like he had been out in the water most of the time. He was wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans.

Gabe was now sporting a hair style that resembled Rogue from X-Men and his crystal blue eyes shone with excitement, which meant his artistic side was bursting right now. He was wearing a dark orange shirt and ripped blue jeans. She noticed more rings on his fingers and new earrings as well.

Luke was bouncing with excitement, making his blonde hair fall into his face, masking his brown eyes. His light blue shirt was tight on his chest, making him look even more like a surfer model then when he left. She still thought it was funny how completely opposite he was from North, and he was the older one by six months of the two half-brothers.

Kota was wearing a hunter green shirt and blue jeans and she noticed he had got new black rimmed glasses that were like Owen's. His green eyes were vibrant since he was wearing a green shirt and his dark brown hair was combed back and his golden retriever Max as running around the diner barking in excitement. He looked like he had gotten some muscles too.

Victor was wearing light blue jeans and a white tee shirt. His brown eyes still had fire in them, and his wavy brown hair was now down to the nape of his neck. He was playing the piano on his leg, and she was pretty sure that he didn't even realize it.

The twins Corey and Brandon were smirking, making their cerulean blue eyes pop against their short cropped blonde hair. While Corey was wearing a yellow shirt, Brandon was wearing a red and black tee. Corey was leaner, which told her he was probably still obsessed with video games and computers, and Brandon was more muscular, which told her he was probably constantly working on vehicles with North. They were still wearing the beaded bracelets she gave them, with Corey's having yellow beads and Brandon having red beads.

Raven's brown hair was combed back, and his dark eyes were glued to her. He licked his lips, letting her see that he had gotten a new barbell for his tongue. His brown tee barely fit on his, letting her know that he had been consistent with working out and his arms were sleeved out in tattoos, which he had some when they left but not nearly that many. It had her wondering if he had gotten even more that were hidden under his shirt.

Axel's long black hair was down to his chest when they left but now it was down to his waist. There was a feather braided into his hair and his olive complexion was darker. He was the perfect image of a Native American if she ever saw one, which she would know since she was also Native American, it was something that bonded them. He was wearing a kind of olive brownish green shirt and dark blue jeans.

Marc was holding a tumbler that she just knew had coffee in it and he smirked when he realized she was looking at him. His heterochromia eyes always fascinated her, with one being blue and the other being green. His brown hair was slightly longer than it was when they left but it was still short. He also had a little bit more muscle, but he was still on the lean side. He was wearing a blue shirt and dark blue jeans. He was wearing the bracelets she had given him before they left on his left wrist.

"Manly?" Luke chuckled making her roll her eyes.

"You're still childish," she smirked.

"You know you love us," he chuckled while winking at her.

"Oh, do I now?" She burst out laughing at his shocked face. "You know I do, with all my heart."

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